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“BDSM is about whip and chains”

"Thank you for the food, it was really amazing," Jungkook said after completing his fantastic lunch that Taehyung made. “I'm glad you liked it,” Tae said, taking dirty dishes to sink while Jungkook started cleaning the table. “Leave that and come here beauty.” Taehyung stopped him from cleaning anything.

"But it will only take two minutes to clean it beside you also not letting me wash those dishes' ' Jungkook pouted huffing and went back to clean it. Taehyung let him shake his head but found him cute.  He cleaned all the dishes and put them to be dried. He wiped his hand with a towel and looked at Jungkook who was standing beside him.

“Let's go for a house tour,” he said, grabbing his hand and leading him inside. The house was decorated with paintings. He looked at one of the walls which looked like a memory wall. Pictures were placed here and there. Taehyung baby picture to adult. Family to friends he looks through them, finding them all beautiful. 

Then he took him to one of the rooms which he thought was the guest room. The color was white with one wall with dark blue color. Medium size bed with two side tables. Grey window blind and there was a little bird flying painted on the wall. He went to another room. The second guest room was the same but dark green on one of the walls. And the picture was painted of deer.

Taehyung took him to the bigger one room. It's like the main bedroom. King size bed side table big window one coffee table on the corner. Bathroom connected to the room. And there was a walk-through closet too. He looked at it in awe. The one wall was painted as the whole jungle and the painting was calming for eyes. "Did you draw these"

“Yes I did, did you like it?” he asked and Jungkook jumped before saying "I love it. It's so beautiful. They were all beautiful. ''Taehyung wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer and kissed his forehead then eyes then nose before pecking his lips.   Jungkook whined when he didn't kiss him real, just a peck. He wanted more of that feeling.

“Let's show you the real thing” Taehyung took his hand and went to the corner of the house where another room was located. He put the password and the door clicked open. He motioned for him to open the door and the younger one did. He looked inside, his eyes wide open. The room was beautiful with all those purple lights.

He stepped inside and looked around. There were many different types of impact toys. Belt, wooden paddle, bullwhip, different size of later paddle. Ropes and tapes in one place are decorated. There was a human sized cage on the corner. The bed in the middle with all the hangings. He looked up at the ceiling . There were also different hooks and hangings having their own purpose.  Playroom my mind clicked and I looked back at him. 

“This is my world. Welcome to my lifestyle jeon jungkook” he looked at me and in my eyes and our eyes got locked he looked deeply in me like reading me. “How do you find this room?” he asked me and I got back to earth. "It-its beautiful" that's what I can only say.

“It indeed is beautiful. Do you know what this room is?” he asked and walked to sit on the bed, never leaving eye contact. "Play room" I answered and he humed “Good, yes that's what this room is. Take a chair and sit in front of me” he ordered and I obliged and took the chair in front of him and sat with our eyes locked once again. 

“I will directly go on the point.  I'm dominant and searching for my forever submissive. I want all the time submissive. And this is my lifestyle and I'm proud to be part of this. I want my partner to let go of all of his control in daily life and in bed. I will take full control of them. That's why I said that if you want to back up from this and don't find it comfortable you can let go now. And we will not date and get married but if you want to be friends we will still be friends after it. This won't affect any of it. But I want you to think about it throughout and think about if you want to give it a try then tell me. We will see if you will be fit in this before taking the marriage step and make you my forever submissive”

Jungkook was listening to what others were saying and when the others stopped he smiled softly at him.  "Um I don't know much about it and I will surely think about this. And I'm telling myself that maybe I will accept it because I trust you. But I want to know more about it before saying yes to it. If it's you who will help me I'm happy to get into it with you" he said and taehyung grinned widely and he felt heat rush to his cheeks and his heart flutter.

“I'm happy that you are actually considering it. And I will happily help you. If you have any questions and doubts you can ask me without hesitation. I will guide you through all of this.” he said and got up and kissed my forehead. I smiled and my bunny smiled and he pulled me in and I hugged him back. I wanted him to kiss me again like an actual kiss not a peck. I look up at him.

“What bub” he asked, creasing my cheeks and I leaned more into his touch. "Um can- will you umm kiss me here again" I hesitate but still point on my lips he looks at me. “Not fast. You will get it later but not now” he said and pouted sadly and looked down but he grabbed my chin and made me look at him again. “Don't get sad I figured you like to suck my fingers. You want it pretty” he asked and my eyes lit up and I nodded. “Words,” he said with a pointed look and my eyes widened. "I'm sorry," I said, pouting.

“We have to work on it. Next time if you don't reply with words don't expect me to forgive you easily and get what you want. Now try again” he said with a deep dark voice and obeyed. "Can I please suck hyung fingers. Pretty please" I asked and he looked satisfied. He kissed my nose and then the corner of my lips. I wanted to get a kiss on my lips so badly but look like I won't be getting it today.

“Yes you can but first let's go and play some movies then you can have it” he said and we went outside of the play room.  He closed the door and locked it again.  We went to the hall and sat on the couch in front of a big tv. He has two TV's one here and one in his own bedroom.

“Which movie do you wanna watch? I have cartoon movies, romantic, action, melo which you want” he asked, going through different movies. "Can we watch ocean eight please" he smiled “ocean eight then” he put the movie on and came to sit beside me. I wanted it to be easy between us. His arm shouldn't hurt while I'm sucking so I asked him. "Can I sit on your lap and get your fingers"

He looked at me and paused the movie at the start. “How do you ask for something like a good boy?” he asked and I looked at him confused. Wait, I got it. I look at him with wide eyes and a smile on my face. "Can I sit on your lap and get your fingers please". He put me on his lap and I wiggle before getting comfortable. He put his two fingers inside my mouth and played the movie again.

We watched the movie while sitting on his lap, sucking his fingers. I change his finger to different ones from time to time so it won't get wrinkly. We laughed and enjoyed the film throughout. I like it. I actually loved being with him. And the way he gives me orders switches something in me. Like I wanted to obey his every command and I love it.

YES I wrote it so it will be a double update then. Hope you enjoy it.

Facts : I got into bts in late 2016. When did you get into bts?

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