The Power of Love

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With the Wattpad changes I have lost the story suggestions that you have send, and to the reader that sent this one in, my apologies for not tagging you first. Please let me know in the comment's if this was your idea and I can edit! 

This is an AU on Eda an Serkan's BU, no Aptekin involvement at all. You may need a tissue.


Love? Was love that fickle that one minute you loved someone and the next you didn't? Eda didn't understand Serkan Bolat, not one little bit. He was madly in love with her, until he wasn't and now he had run away?

She walked up to look in the windows thinking to speak with Aydan of Seyfi to try and understand what had happened only hours earlier when Serkan called her to ArtLife and said that they were through. Eda stood outside his darkened apartment, no lights were on, not even in the main house, the entire Bolat estate seemed to be abandoned. That wasn't true, the staff was there, but the Bolat's and Seyfi were gone.

Eda had searched his eyes, or tried to, but Serkan refused to meet hers, insisting on looking down. Eda knew something was wrong, his body was shaking, she could feel it as she touched him when he turned from her, "It's wrong for us to continue Eda. I can't give you what you need. I should never have stopped you from your studies. It was selfish and wrong of me. I reached out to the University and asked that they reinstate your scholarship immediately."

"Serkan, please don't do this to me, don't send me away. We can work out whatever the problem is, you know that we can," she begged him.

He only shook his head, "No, I'm taking on another project and I can't have any interference. My total focus must be on this project. Please respect my wishes Eda."

"And what of my wishes Serkan? What of our love? Are you throwing it away? All that we fought for?"

She remembered his soft, "Sometimes love isn't enough," as she walked away.

Eda had no idea that Serkan thought to leave so soon and where was Aydan? She knew that his mother was leaving the house now, she had helped the woman herself. Berna told her that Aydan and Seyfi were out of town. Since when?

She went home to contemplate what she knew and realized she knew nothing. Ayfer was in a temper, angry that Serkan had hurt her, but Eda didn't want to hear it, Melo was sympathetic as was Ceren and Fifi was silent. At ten the doorbell rang, Eda's hopes soared that it was Serkan but instead it was a courier with a package for her. The girls wanted her to open it in front of them, but Eda wanted privacy, she would tell them tomorrow, instead sending them home and Melo to her room.

Slitting open the flat box, Eda took out an envelope with scholarship documents, her housing and a stipend to live on had been arranged. The next thing was a small, wrapped book, Eda opened it to reveal the volume of The Little Prince that she and Serkan had read together when he was sick. The tears that had been slowly falling came faster. Eda reached in to see if there was anything else. There was a small envelope addressed to her by Serkan,

Eda, my love.

Know that the problem was always me and not you. You are meant for greater things than being tied to a taciturn robot. Be free, live well, love well. Do amazing things with your future, you are the brightest star in this universe and are meant to shine for all to see. Dry your eyes, I am not worth your tears.

Your love was a gift that I cherish. Thank you for loving me – Serkan

She cradled the letter to her heart, weeping. He was so very wrong, didn't he know that? Eda tried to send him a text, but the message failed to deliver so she wrote him a long, detailed email. He was very worth loving. She would continue to write him emails and maybe someday he would read them and write her back. One thing that Serkan didn't know about her was that once her heart was given, she didn't take it back.

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