The Waiting Room

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"Sir? You have two cases. One in Room A and the other in Room B. They got here moments apart."

The young man looked up from the papers that he was studying, "Is one more critical than the other?"

"They are both in a bad state. We are under pressure to let them cross."

He pushed back from his desk, "I'll come at once. Which one came in first?"

"Room A, a young woman, age twenty-three, there was an accident on a country road, several vehicles involved. There was one fatality. That person has already moved along downstairs."


She pressed the button on her headset, "We have another one being brought into Room C. This must have been some accident!" she was looking at her sheet and then looked at the young man, "All four of them are related to you somehow, even the one that went downstairs."

Alp Bolat took the chart for Room A, "Eda Yildiz?" he held his hand out for the other two charts. He went silent, "Serkan? My brother? No. . . . . And Selin Atakan? Just what happened today? Who was the one that went downstairs?"

The clerk looked at the list, "Aptekin Bolat."

"Figures, he belongs there."

Keeping all the charts, Alp headed to Room A and read the chart. It wasn't a normal medical chart like one would expect, that was what the doctors in the emergency room would be working with. His chart was all about Eda, who she was in her heart and soul. Was she a good person, if she didn't make it, did she go upstairs or downstairs? Was she worthy of a second chance?

He opened the door to see a beautiful brunette sleeping before him, she looked very peaceful for someone who had as much trauma in her life as she did. Alp read her file, orphaned at the age of five when her parents were killed as the result of a construction error caused by Aptekin Bolat's company. Ahhh yes, there had to be a connection to his father somewhere in here. Leave it to Serkan to find the one young woman on the planet who would make his father uncomfortable from the first day.

He continued reading, young Eda was raised by her aunt after fleeing from her grandmother, another person destined for the basement level. The woman had time to move to an upper floor, but she wasn't doing herself any favors right now. No, she was most likely destined to stay in the basement with Aptekin. Eda and her aunt struggled to keep their heads above water financially, they were hard workers. Eda was an excellent student, a loving niece. He flipped the page over, until recently, a fiancée to Serkan Bolat. Alp read further. Young Eda was still very much in love with Serkan and wanted to be with him.

Talking to himself, "I can see why my brother would have been attracted to you Eda, you have a very fine mind like he does." Alp frowned when he read about her scholarship cancellation and her aunt's response to it. "My, my Eda, it would seem that your aunt runs hot and cold. Does she want you to succeed or not? It is rather difficult to tell. Or is her issue something else?"

Alp looked through more of the details of her life and shook his head at the engagement contract, what was this young woman thinking? He put his hand on her leg to gain some insight. Traveling back to her subconscious Alp asked Eda that very question, "Why agree to the engagement contract Eda?"

"I embarrassed Serkan. I let my temper get the better of me and I embarrassed him. I should never have done that. He didn't deserve that kind of treatment from me."

Sensing there was more he asked again, "Was that the only reason?"

Eda hesitated before answering. Alp gave her a gentle squeeze of encouragement, "I had the best day with him. Two days with him, the first day handcuffed to him and then the day of the engagement party. Serkan was too good for me, but he was my dream, so kind, smart, gentle, funny, not tell jokes funny but quick witted, and handsome. He smells divine, my fingers tingled when they touched his skin, but I couldn't tell him that and his kiss was magic." She gave a small sigh in her sleep.

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