"The New Minister"

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I swear my intentions are not good

Albus and the others appeared among all the screams of fear and despair, by then the dementors had already left, immediately Harry raised his wand and cast a spell that produced a blue wave (like the patronus effect in the movies) that began surround the entire town, after it finished, a sphere appeared above each student, although some were of different colors.

"What is that, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"With two dark lords, I knew it was a matter of time before there was a massive attack, this is a diagnostic spell, the sphere represents what state the person is in," Harry said with a lost look.

"And what does each color mean?" Amelia asked.

"The red one means that they are fine," he began, making everyone sigh, since there were more red ones.

"And the grays?" Tonks asked softly, only receiving a hug from Harry and hearing him cry weakly. It was then that they saw an Auror arrive.

"Madame," said the auror, addressing Amelia, "the grays were kissed," and with that statement, everyone understood Harry,

Xxxxx xxxxX
Dumbledore was sadder than usual, a few hours had passed and several deaths had been confirmed, but he did not know what happened, the dementors could have attacked the students but it was a very vague answer, It could also have been caused by Grindelwald, but that didn't make sense, Grindelwald always attacked the 'plague', and there was nothing the students had done. He gave a sigh, he had been talking about it for a long time with Amelia and Tonks, and they hadn't come to anything.

Suddenly Snape came in and said, "I have the person responsible for all this." This surprised everyone, and even more so when they saw who he brought, it was Harry Potter.

"Severus..." Dumbledore tried to say, but was silenced by the professor.

"Before you speak, look at this," Snape said, handing him Harry's diary to Dumbledore, Tonks and Amelia, before looking at Harry, "There is a lot of information about the Dementors, also multiple dark spells, and he is the only one who has been able to find a different way to repel the Dementors,” he began looking at Dumbledore "if you could do that, you clearly know how to do more things with them," he said, approaching. "Nott told me about how you treated him, and now he happens to be dead," he finished in a cold voice.

"First, Professor," said Harry, staring at Snape, "I studied the Dementors because I knew they would be put to guard us, but they were once part of Voldemort's ranks so they could reveal themselves, that's why I studied them. Second, Nott was a student who insulted every child he saw, including Hermione. Lastly, each child who was kissed was bothering another student, and usually, the aggressor is happy at that moment, and the victim is sadt hat's why the dementors ignored the victims," Harry finished, breathing heavily before leaving the office.

"Severus," Dumbledore warned when he saw that Snape was going to speak. "I know James didn't treat you in the best way, but that doesn't give you the right to tell the Aurors that his son is the cause of a massacre, so if you only had that to say, go away," Dumbledore ordered with his hard eyes, without that calm look he always had.

"So, you'll realize when it's too late," said Snape walking towards the door, but stopped. "Remember Albus, I've been with a dark wizard" Snape replied, and then he left.

Snape was in his office, he knew there was something strange about Potter, but they didn't believe him because of his hatred of James Potter... 'Why do I do it?' Snape mentally asked himself, at first he did it because he didn't like Potter, but now it was becoming more personal, it was as if he wanted to prevent something serious from happening to them, as if avoiding it was a way to pay for everything he had done as a death eater.

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