36 - The proposal

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The next morning, I wake up and go straight to Elise's room. I meant it when I said she would be punished today.

I knock on her door and she opens it for me.

"Goodmorning, A." She smiles.

"Morning, dear." I walk inside and peck her lips. "Pants down."


"Pants down, now." I say firmer.

She only nods and pulls her pants down.

"Now bend on the bed."

She does what I say, like a good girl.

I get the vibrator from my pocket and spit on it. I insert it inside her and hear her moan.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"This is a vibrator, it's connected to my phone." I take my phone out to show her. "I can turn it on and off, and choose the speed." I give her a demonstration. "You're going to spend the whole day with that. A punishment for last night."

I help her stand up and pull her pants back up.

"Now let's eat and we can go." I kiss her cheek and leave the room.


"Very well, class. We can start with the presentations now. Who wants to go first?" I ask.

"We can go first." Elise's blonde friend raises her hand.

This is too perfect.

"Good." They walk to the front of the class. "You may start."

"Goodmorning, everyone." The blonde one says. "I'm Leah, this is Gigi and Elise. Today we're going to talk about rabies."

As the presentation goes on, I wait until Elise starts talking and take my phone out discreetly.

I turn her vibrator on and put on medium speed.

"So you can get infected when an animal, who already has the virus, bites you or scratches..." She gasps.

I hold a smirk while seeing her close her legs.

"Are you okay?" Gigi whispers to her.

Elise only nods and try to get back to her presentation. She is stuttering and rubbing her legs together.

I'm not a big jerk, so of course I'll give the girls an A. They did an amazing research and presentation. I know Elise struggled because of me, but she deserved it.

"Good job, girls. I'm very proud of your work and look forward to seeing more." I tell them.

After everyone finished their presentation and class was over, Elise stayed behind.

"Why would you do that?" She asks holding her laugh when everyone was out.

"I told you, you would be punished. Now stop complaining, or you'll be with that thing on the whole morning." I wink at her and she leaves the classroom.

I had two more classes today, so I head to next one.

I love my job, I don't work at hospitals anymore, it was taking too much of my time teaching. And I like to teach.

Before my class starts, I text Vincent.

"Did you buy the rings?" I ask.

"Yeah, all ready for tonight."

With that, I smile.


Elise was taking a nap in my room after I helped her with her homework. Nothing that would be unfair to my other students, just answered a few of her questions.

I went downstairs to meet the guys. We were all wearing gray suits and Vincent was finishing dinner.

We were about to propose to our angel.

Caden went to wake Elise up and told her to get ready.

In less than 20 minutes, she was in the dining room, wearing a beautiful red dress and red lipstick to match.

"Hey, guys. What's going on?" She asks smiling.

"Sit, baby. Let's eat first." Vincent winks.

We eat having small talk. Elise told us about her day, and we listened to her attentively, we love to hear her voice.

When everyone finished eating, the three of us stand up.

"What's happening?" Elise asks suspiciously.

I look at the guys and the three of us kneel in front of her.

"Elise." Caden starts. "Will you marry us?"

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