Rejected Publicly

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Over the next two weeks, Simon and Daphne played the part of a courting couple to perfection. This provided Simon with ample opportunity to spend time with Penelope as well. One way or the other he was able to incorporate her in their outing to the park or cafe. He smartly incorporated Eloise in the mix befriending her as well. Everything was running smoothly except Anthony's who was irate about the whole charade. Simon explained to his friend about the incident with Nigel Berbrooke at the Trowbridge Ball and how he Daphne and he had set this plan up to help Daphne attract more suitors and him being saved from the mammas of the ton. Anthony was not very happy about the whole thing but agreed to keep quiet trusting his friend. His relationship with Daphne had improved also they were now more cordial than before.

Over the course of the two weeks he learnt that Penelope was heavily neglected by her own family, which diminished her confidence. She was extremely shy and conscious about her physical stature when compared to other girls. He had tried to tell her otherwise but couldn't convince her enough. He learnt that she loved to read and write. He bought a few books that she liked to have ample topics to discuss. During this period he also learnt that the Bridgerton family were her only supporters, Eloise being her best friend. He had observed she was extremely shy but observant, she could keep up with a conversation with anyone as long as she was comfortable with the person. Overall he was in a much better situation with his infatuation than before, the only problem was Colin Bridgerton, whenever he was around Penelope would be distracted and solely focused on what he had to say which was a whole lot of self boasting about his trips, and about Marina Thompson, which made Penelope sad.

Simon had decided that it was time to end the charade with Daphne as the elders were getting ahead of themselves for a union which would never fruit, no matter what the circumstances were. Simon had made an oath to never marry ever. The Hastings line would end with him.

Simon was at the Cowpers Ball speaking with Daphne.

" Miss Bridgerton it's time to end the charade, we have accomplished our mission. You have garnered the attention of all the eligible bachelors of the ton. I too will be leaving London in a couple of weeks. " Simon informed her.

" Thank you! Your grace for everything. Also I am sorry for everything I had said prior to knowing you. " Daphne said to him with a sad smile.

" It's all water under the bridge. Thank you nonetheless. " He gave a assuring smile.

" I'll inform mother tomorrow that we have ended the courtship mutually. If I may ask you.. Has no one captured your interest? " Daphne asked him with a suspicious smile.

" None!! " Simon faltered.

" Are you sure? " Daphne raised an eyebrow, looking at him with a mischievous grin.

" I assure you, I have no interest what so ever. " Simon answered resolutley scanning the room for a particular someone.

" Someone your looking for? " Daphne looked around the room too.

Simon turned around to face her.
"No not at all! I'll take your leave Miss Bridgerton. Good luck to you. " Simon wished her .

" Wish you the same.. " Daphne smiled back.

They were going to leave in the opposite direction when they heard Penelope's gasp and a loud laughter.

There in the corner of the ball room was Penelope on the floor in a shocked state... tears begging to escape her eyes.. A group of men laughing at her condition..

"Look Colin she followed you till here! " Someone said out loud laughing.

Daphne rushes to help Penelope up on her feet.

"Pen???? Are you alright? " Daphne asked concerned.

" Miss Bridgerton please escort Miss Featheington out! " Simon said with a voice that commanded respect. The room went silent. Daphne nodded her head in understanding and left the room, Penelope in her arms.

"You!!! " Simon lunged towards Eliot a rather foul character. Laying a blow to his jaw. " How dare you speak of a lady of the ton in that manner? Have you no respect, you ethics at all? What of all of you? Is this how the men if this ton behave? "Simon looked around the men that were gathered.

" And you Colin, she is a family friend and you allowed this to happen?? " He spoke in an accusing tone.

"I warn you all if I ever find anyone saying another foul thing for Miss Featheington Or any other lady.. I shall duel with them making sure they never return!!! " Simon voice thundered as he walked out of the ballroom to the garden looking for his redhead.

He found Daphne in the garden worried.

"Daphne??? Where is Penelope? " Simon asked looking around for her.

Daphne turned around to face him.

" Lady Portia took her away. I'm afraid for her. Lady Portia is not the kindest of mothers! " Daphne told him briefly how Portia had scolded her own daughter for the humiliation.
Simon's heart pained for his redhead he wished he could go and rescue her from her mother and the entire world. However he was helpless... No matter what all he could offer was his friendship. Even that would be difficult considering he no longer had the connection with Daphne or the Bridgertons.

" Your grace.. If I may... You should go and see her soon... She could use a friend.. someone that isn't a Bridgerton! " Daphne looked at him with eyes that reflected a deeper understanding of his feelings towards Penelope.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. " Simon answered helpless.

"Your a Duke..there isn't anything that you cannot do...the question is are you willing to take that step and is she worth the effort for you... think on my words!!! " Daphne bid him good luck returning back to the ball.

Simon stood under the moonlight in the garden, thinking over Daphne's words. Did she know of his attraction, concern for the redhead? Was it just attraction? Or something much more complicated!! Simon's heart beat faster everytime Penelope ashened face with tears spilling from her eyes flashed before his eyes. His heart broke for her.. He wished he could take away her pain. Show her and the entire ton, her true beauty in body, mind and soul. Had he fallen in love? He thought to himself. No this could not happen. He had pledged to  love or marry. How could this happen? What would he do now? The only way out he saw was to leave London immediately.. away from her, away from her touch, her thoughts... anything that would remind him if her. Simon Bassett would have to forget and erase every fibre of Penelope Featheington's presence in his life.

The Duke's Red headWhere stories live. Discover now