Chapter - 6

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Hazel was pacing back and forth trying to figure out what she could do. She couldn't just stay with the boys all evening, and even if she wanted to, it would be he!!a awkward. So she had to find an alternative. Evan had come home half an hour ago and all she did was say hello, took a glass of water to her room, and shut the door. Yep, that was pretty much it. 

She had asked her mom if Lexi could come over but unfortunately, her mom said no. Lexi wasn't available that evening either as she had to attend a party at her cousin's house. She tried a few other friends as well, but they were either too busy or their parents didn't allow them. It seemed like there was no other alternative left for her.

She bit her finger in the process of overthinking and procrastinating the situation too much. She was anxious, but it wouldn't hurt to take some time off and bond with Evan either. It would help her to get to know him better. And she'd stop the finger-biting as well. She also needed to get a chance to hit on Evan, so this might be it. Her brother would be there, but she made up her mind to bear with him. For one evening. And since the finger-biting hurt, she decided to get out with her empty cup.

She heard some laughing and that startled her. Jason's door was wide open and she could see the boys playing video games. Typical. She entered the room and found out that Evan won immediately. It was due to Evan's jumping in triumph and Jason's head hung low in disappointment. Hazel snickered at the sight, and Jason glowered at her. 'You always win' he told Evan, with a sigh. Hazel was enjoying both of these - her brother's sad face and Evan's happy one. But it didn't last a moment more - her brother's sad face in particular as the boys began laughing in a matter of seconds. Huh. She never understood them. Boys.

'Hazel, would you like to play with me? Your brother told me that you're good' Evan asked her. 'Sure, why not' she answered. 'You speak good stuff about me? Weird' she murmured to Jason, who stuck his tongue at her. Evan laughed. She placed her cup on the table, and took Jason's seat on the bed, beside Evan.

The two began playing. It was a hard game, to be honest. Evan was good. She liked this kind of challenge. Her brother was terrible at this kind of stuff, and she'd always hated playing with him, well, except whenever she wanted to make a fool out of him. Even though it took a long time, Hazel enjoyed every second of the game. Evan was her opponent, and he gave her a true challenge in the game they were playing. This meant that he had recognized that she was not a small child, but a capable girl. Hazel was pleased to know that Evan had such thoughts. Meanwhile, Jason seemed bored as Hazel and Evan struggled to stay alive and defeat each other.

After a great deal of time, Hazel one. 'It was about time, I almost went to sleep' yawned Jason. 'I am quite disappointed in you Evan, you lost a match against my st*p*d little sister' he sighed sympathetically, but she could see from his eyes that it wasn't genuine. It had a gleam of pride and also a teasing look at Evan. She was proud, indeed, but also wondered whether it hurt Evan's feelings.

Turns out he didn't. He looked at her and smiled. 'It was quite fun playing with you. I didn't think you could do it. Well, congratulations anyway' he said. She nodded in response.

But inside, she glowered. He had thought she was incapable of playing a silly video game. He doubted her. He put her to the test. And she fell for his trap. Uh-oh.

'Well, how about we play together every day? I'm bored of your brother's silly childish antics. I could get to know you better, and maybe learn how to win' Evan said. That made Hazel's day. She nodded in approval. 'No offence, Jason' he added, with a playful smile. Jason honestly looked bored. She guessed he was on his phone, texting his girlfriend, Mya Peterson. She giggled at the sight, and Evan joined. Evan looked at her for a brief moment, and their eyes met. They smiled at each other, and Hazel knew that they were thinking the same thing. She playfully tucked a strand of her hand behind her ear and bit her lip stylishly to show a gist of her feminism. Evan seemed to have received her signal and made his hair messier using his hand. Oh that guy, it made him look even more handsome...

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