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As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, Harry stood in the expansive courtyard of the Potter estate, his heart racing with excitement. By his side stood Cosmos, his loyal phoenix companion, a creature of fiery grace and boundless energy.

With a shared glance and a silent understanding, Harry and Cosmos prepared to take flight. There was no need for brooms or wands, for they possessed a connection that transcended such mundane tools. With a deep breath and a surge of magic, Harry felt himself lift off the ground, the wind rushing past him as he ascended into the sky.

There was a freedom in flying without the constraints of a broom, a sense of liberation that filled him with exhilaration. He soared higher and higher, the world below shrinking to a mere speck as he and Cosmos climbed ever skyward.

Together, they danced among the clouds, weaving intricate patterns in the air as they reveled in the joy of flight. The wind whipping through his hair as he marveled at the beauty of the world spread out beneath him.

For a time, they flew in silence, the only sound the rush of wind and the beating of Cosmos' wings. But as they reached the highest point of their flight, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over him. From this vantage point, he could see for miles in every direction, the world stretching out before him in all its breathtaking splendor.

"Isn't it incredible, Cosmos?" Harry exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder as he gazed out at the world below. Cosmos let out a trill of agreement, his fiery feathers shimmering in the sunlight as he circled gracefully through the air. As the sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, Harry and Cosmos began their descent back to earth.

As Harry landed gracefully in the courtyard, Cosmos circled overhead, his keen eyes watching every move Harry made. With a sense of determination, Harry focused his magic, channeling it into a precise and controlled manner.

With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a pocket of vacuum, the air around him seeming to shimmer with unseen energy. The pocket expanded before him, growing in size until it was as long as his arm and as wide as a quaffle. Harry's brow furrowed in concentration as he maintained the spell, his magical energy pulsing through him as he willed the vacuum to hold steady.

Cosmos let out a soft chirp of approval, his fiery plumage glowing with pride as he watched Harry's progress. With each passing moment, the vacuum pocket held firm, a testament to Harry's skill and determination. As the spell reached its peak, Harry released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

The vacuum pocket hung in the air before him, a tangible manifestation of his magical prowess. With a satisfied nod, Harry dismissed the spell, the pocket dissipating into nothingness as the air rushed back to fill the space. As Harry stood in the courtyard, his chest swelling with pride at his accomplishment, Cosmos descended gracefully to land beside him. The phoenix's fiery gaze met Harry's, and a sense of understanding passed between them.

"Congratulations, young one," Cosmos trilled, his voice filled with warmth and pride. "You have shown great skill and control in mastering the vacuum pocket spell."

Harry smiled gratefully at his loyal companion, grateful for his encouragement. "Thank you, Cosmos. I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

The phoenix dipped his head in acknowledgment before continuing. "But remember, Harry, with great power comes great responsibility. The vacuum pocket spell is a formidable ability, one that can be both useful and dangerous if wielded carelessly."

Harry nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of Cosmos' words. "I'll be careful, Cosmos. I promise."

The phoenix's fiery feathers seemed to glow with approval as he spoke again. "Good. Remember, not everyone may understand the true nature of your abilities. It is important to use them wisely and to keep them hidden from those who may seek to exploit them."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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