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Y/n's pov

It was currently 9:28 pm , way past the dinner time and he was not home yet. I waited so much and now was currently in our bedroom. Sitting on the edge of bed , getting bored , something caught my eyes.

I walked towards the box placed under the small cupboard underneath the tv . Curiosity took over me as I kneeled down and took out the box from under the table.

It was a bit dusty. I slowly opened it and my eyes sparkled and a sudden smile appeared on my lips.

It was his childhood stuff. A small giggle escaped my lips as I held the photo frame of him sitting on a chair looking just like a prince. I gently placed the frame aside only to see an album laying underneath.

I gently held the album and opened it and my heart dwelled seeing his pictures. He was such a cute boy when he was a baby. I settled down on the floor and was so immersed in seeing his pictures.

He was such a handsome looking boy when he was young. All of a sudden , I noticed a woman with him. She was beautiful. My heart filled with pain as I recognized the woman.

It was his mother. A sigh escaped my lips as I bit my lower lip. I flipped the page of the album and i noticed his picture and a ............ scar on his right eye . It was a straight cut starting from just above his eyebrow to the end of his cheekbone.

It must have been painful.

I was so lost in thoughts when someone snatched the album away from my hand making me look at the person.

It was Taehyung. He looked so furious and his eyes burned with rage. He glared at me and i slowly stood up as he quickly tidy up the things and turned to look at me.

" do not ever touch my things "

He spoke sternly making me look at him in disbelief.

I frowned and took a step forward before speaking.

" i have all the rights to touch your things "

" who gave you the fucking right ? "

He questioned back and i could feel the anger in his tone. He was still angry from the previous lunch incident.

" i am your wife and it gives me all the rights "

I spoke softly and noticed his expressions soften for a second. I took a deep breath and stepped forward , moving my hands up to his face before softly caressing his cheeks.

I noticed his eyes closing as his breathings quickened. I stepped more close and my heart filled with love and affection for him.

" Taehyung , you are not hideous "

All of a sudden , he opened his eyes and stared at me .

" you were so close earlier that i turned around and got startled , not because of your appearance "

He tried to back away only for me to hold him close tightly . My hand gripping his arm while the other hand held his collar .

" I don't care about your appearance. You're beautiful. Stop thinking you are hideous "

He stared at me as if trying to find me lying but i was not.

" so don't cover . Husband and wife don't hide from each other "

Saying that , I slowly wrapped my arm around his neck , my other hand moving to his hairs before leaning closer and kissing his cheek . I noticed his body getting stiff and chuckled.

" i know you haven't eaten anything since breakfast "

Holding his hand , i pulled him with me before making my way towards the kitchen. Making him sit on the chair , i quickly started heating up the food. I could feel his gaze on me and I didn't make it obvious that i knew he was staring at me and just smiled .

Quickly serving him , i sat next to him and stared at him as he grabbed the spoon and digging in the food softly. My eyes were blessed to see him looking so handsome.

I knew one thing about myself that i was falling deeply in love with him. A gasp escaped my lips as i noticed him looking at him. I looked at the food and he had finished.

A shy chuckle escaped my lips as i stood up before leaning in , kissing his forehead.

" good boy "

Quickly putting the dishes in the sink , i held his hand as we made our way towards the bedroom . He walked in the bathroom to freshen up as i sat on the bed , waiting for him.

He returned back soon after and i was in bed , under the blankets . He walked towards the other side of bed and got under the blankets and i laid on my side , facing him as he laid facing the ceiling .

He was still wearing makeup to cover his scar which made me sigh but i also understood that he needed time which i was ready to give him.

Next Morning

No ones pov

Both were sleeping peacefully. The morning was beautiful. The clock ticked 6:29 am . The birds chirped . The sun rays fell on her face making her look so unreal. Her beautiful dark brown curly hairs scattered on bed , looking like a piece of art.

Her head was placed on his chest with one of her palm resting on his chest. On of his arms around her tiny waist , keeping her close.

His hairs falling on his forehead getting in the way of his sleep.

Both were engulfed in each other and the blanket was hanging low from the bed.

One thing was realized , they both had a habit of sleeping holding something and one thing for sure , they were coming close.

Very close .

                                      TO BE CONTINUED

BLOOD AND SCARS || KTH Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz