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THE WATERBENDING SCROLL,book one, episode nine

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book one, episode nine.

     "WOULD YOU SIT DOWN?" Sokka shouted, waking Yuen from her daydream

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"WOULD YOU SIT DOWN?" Sokka shouted, waking Yuen from her daydream. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you, anyway?" Sokka asked him. Yuen sat up straight, wanting to hear what Aang had to say. "It's what Avatar Roku said. We're supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives." Aang replied.

"Well, let's see. You've pretty much mastered airbending which only took you 112 years. And Yuen is halfway there, she's practically already a waterbending master, so I'm sure you two can learn the rest of the elements by next summer."

"I haven't even started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What am I gonna do?" Aang panicked. Yuen grabbed his wrist. "Relax. It's going to be alright—" "and how are you so calm?! We're both supposed to be panicking about this!" He shouted in her face. Yuen dropped his wrist.

"Oh—sorry." He mumbled. "It's fine. And I am scared. But, I guess I can hide it much better than you," Aang sat down. "You know, I still have to practice my airbending, so why doesn't Katara help you with your waterbending?" She looked back at Katara.

"Me? I mean—I...I don't mind." She smiled. "Really?" Aang grinned. Katara nodded. "But we'll need to find a good source of water first." Yuen looked below, but almost puked. "Maybe Katara should look—actually." She crawled back to her spot.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you two to splash in. And some land for you to practice your wind movements—" "airbending—" "wind movements makes more sense!" Sokka retorted in a singy-songy way, making Yuen roll her eyes.

 And some land for you to practice your wind movements—" "airbending—" "wind movements makes more sense!" Sokka retorted in a singy-songy way, making Yuen roll her eyes

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