Chapter 6

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Raze's head was still reeling over the newest information she gained from Brimstone as she walked towards the workshops. She was kinda excited to see her double, but also she didnt like the idea that she had to fight agaisnt her friends. pushing it out of her mind for now she reached the Germans Workshop and swiped her card allowing her access into the Germans space. The faint German music that was playing was much louder than she thought, as she scanned the mostly messy space. there were parts and tools everywhere, as well as boxes of scraps. half finshed projects laid scattered around the room, including a half finished Lockdown. there was a turrent, and alarmbot sitting on the table where the German was currently hunched over, working on something infront of her. Raze took a moment to watch the Germans movement as she reached for a new tool, and wires. The german semeed to be favoring her other arm, probably still feeling pain whenever she reached to far, which brought a wave of sympthy over the duelist. 

Raze had brogh both her Boombot and Showstopper to work on alongside the German, and after a moment more of just observing finally made her presnce known. "Hey KJ! im here!" She laughed as the German jumped, seeming to have been completly absorbed in her project, and fumble to turn around without dropping her tools. finally turning Raze smiled sheepishly, feeling the other enginners eyes on her. She had reached for her remote, seemingly to control the stereo as the music lowered significantly. "Ah hallo Ra-Raze? i wasnt expecting you to actually show up.." Raze chuckled softly as Killjoy stumbled over her name, nodding when she noticed Killjoy looking to her for confirmation. "Raze yep, and of course! i would never miss tinkering!"

Killjoy chuckled softly and motioned to her workshop. "sory its a disater, but if you can find a empty space just set up! tools are in the toolbox over there.." Killjoy motioned to the vauge area, turning back to her work. Raze walked up and popped herself beside the other engieener, peering over to see what she was working on. "is that the defuser? its alot more simple than i was expecting.." KIlljoy just shrugged, a  strange look taking over her experssion. "it needs to be portable.. but its not ready..." Raze raised a eyebrow at that, but deciding to drop it for now. instead turning to her own boombot and started to removed the ducktape and screws. "how is that still together? its a mess of screws and ducktape!" KIlljoy stated, looking over at the boombot with mild surprise. Raze laughed openly then smriked. "by pure spite! and its not just screws and ducktape!" Killjoy smiled at that, shaking her head. "im surprised it stays together at all... it looks like a ticking time bomb.." Raze took slight offense to that and glared at the profile of the other engineer. "alright, not all of us can get their hands on the fancy equipment Killjoy." 

Killjoy flinched slightly at the angry tone of her voice and went silient, only nodding as she turned back to the deffuser, though she wasnt paying full attention on said deffuser. her mind was berating herelf on the conversation, cursing herself out in german for pissing off the other engineer. Before she could open her mouth to talk, the door oepened in a woosh and as both looked up to see who walked in, was met with Jett and Pheonix walking in. "hey nerds!" Jett said using her powers to run forward, thankfully and surprising Kiljoy that the duelist didnt trip on any scraps or tools. she could feel the breeze as Jett stopped right behind them and wrapped her arms around Raze leaning over to see what they were working on. "whatcha doinggg?" "Im working on boombot, i think Killjoy is updatng the defuser?" KIlljoy simply nodded at the question, not daring responding as Raze and Jett started a conversation. She had forgotten about the Fire radiant until she felt the heat of said rdiant behind her. "i thought it was fine?" Pheonix said softly, leaning agaisnt the table on her left, looking over the Deffuser. 

"it is.. but i want to update it. we wont always have you on the mission so i want to find a way to make it already preheated. and faster..." Killjoy said quickly, showing off the updates she wanted to make on it. Pheonix simply nodded, his eyes trailing over the beanie wearing woman. he could see how nervous Killjoy was, and remebered that she was still pretty new to the Protocol. "hey KJ, wanna join us for movie night? me Raze and Jett, and a few other duelist are going to have a movie night tonight." Killjoy looked up at the british radiant, before shaking her head. "n-no thanks.. i want to finish this before the next mission with Omega.. it needs to be done before the next mission." Killjoy said simply looking back to the deffuser. "But if you overwork yourself you wont do anyone any good, besides you need at least a day off." Killjoy shook her head. "no thanks Pheonix.. i need to work on this..." Pheonix just sighs softly, giving it up for now but nodded. "okay KJ, but if you change your mind we will be in the common room okay?" Killjoy just nodded, starting to work again on the deffuser to the talking and joking of the duelist around her, finsing she liked the background noise.

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