chapter two-a cat and a bird

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"What was that all about?" Sayori questions, walking over to Monika. "Are you okay? Is Natsuki okay?"

"I'm not sure, maybe this was just another one of her outbursts, but I think i'm gonna check on her-"

Suddenly, Monika is cut off by Yuri. "No- no, i can check on her." Yuri says while twirling her hair between her fingers. "You two are always helping her, i wanna help her too."

This catches both Sayori and Monika by surprise. There's absolutely no way Natsuki would take help from Yuri. But, as she insists, Monika agrees.

"Alright, I suppose that's okay. Just- please come get me if something happens."

Yuri nods and walks out of the classroom, she goes into the bathrooms, figuring Natsuki would be in there.

"Natsuki? Are you in here? We would love for you to come ba-"

Yuri stops speaking when she sees Natsuki, she's on the ground next to the last stall, crying into her knees.

"Go away Yuri go away- Go away please go away-" Natsuki desperately tries to wipe the tears away from her cheeks, gasping for air. "Please just leave me alone-"

Though, Yuri doesn't leave. She sits in front of Natsuki, far enough away so that Natsuki doesnt feel threatened in any way. She stays silent, fidgeting with her hair and humming softly.

Like a bird and a cat, Natsuki could snap at any moment, she could yell at Yuri and tell her to leave, but she doesn't. She doesn't want her to leave, if anything all she wants is to be in her arms, to be hugged, to be cared for, but even then, she cant let her guard down. She doesn't want to be seen as weak.

"Can you please talk to me? I'm not scary, Natsuki. I'm not going to judge you. You talk to Monika and Sayori, why is it different with me? Why is it that you spend all club time bickering with me or judging me?"

Natsuki feels as if she's being hit by A bus. Is she really that mean? Does she really hurt Yuri that badly? Is it a good idea to talk to her just this once?

"I'm- I-" Her throat starts closing up, she feels lightheaded and nauseous. "Yuri, why do you have to one up me? Why do you act as if you're better than me at everything?"

Yuri lets out a low huff, she adjusts herself to be sitting closer to Natsuki. She takes Natsuki's hands in hers, squeezing them gently and trying to speak in as calm as a tone as she can, "I have never tried to one up you. I don't want to be better than you. I'm sorry if I make you feel that way, it's not true at all. I'm not sure what I did to make you feel that way but I would never do that to you."

Natsuki falls silent, pulling her hands away from Yuri's and standing up. She wants to cry again, she doesn't want to hurt Yuri, she doesn't want to hurt anyone. She owes Monika an apology, She owes Yuri an apology as well, but she isn't ready for that yet.

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