chapter three-natsukis pov

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Once they were back in the classroom, Yuri and Natsuki went to sit back in their usual spots.

Monika and Sayori are chatting in front of the classroom, whispering things to each other and glancing over to the other girls. Natsuki had has her head down on her desk, but Yuri seemed to notice.

For the rest of club time, everyone did their own thing. Natsuki read manga's in the back of the classroom, Yuri read A book she'd been talking to Sayori about at her desk, while Monika and Sayori were planning something for the school festival that's coming up soon. And then, it was time to go home. Natsuki's least part of the day, other than reciting poems of course. She packed up and headed home, walking slower than usual to by herself time.

All she can think about is Yuri, her long, beautiful, purple hair, her starry eyes, her calm and sweet voice, all of it just seems so charming to Natsuki. Thinking back on Yuri's humming from when they were in the bathroom, it makes her heart simply flutter. Oh, how she wishes she could rest in her arms and listen to her beautiful song.

Natsuki chews on her nails, her steps slowing down once she gets to the front door of her house. "dads car isn't in the drive way?" She thinks to herself as she walks inside, its silent in the house. Not a single thing to disturb her. She hurriedly walks upstairs and starts on her homework, maybe if she can finish this then eat dinner quickly, she'll be able to go to bed before her dad gets home. She does exactly that, she finishes her work and goes downstairs, eating something simple that she can just heat up before cleaning up and running back to her room.

She lays in her bed, cuddling a stuffed animal Monika had gotten for her A while back. Her mind drifts off to Yuri again, her words are as sweet but sticky as honey. She could get addicted to them, but, oh, how hard it is to forget them. She doesn't want to hurt Yuri, that's her last wish. How could she make it up to her?

"..Apologising? no, no i cant do that. I cant- i cant i cant. What if she's still upset at me?" Natsuki goes through all the possible scenarios of what could happen if she were to apologise, or if she even tries to talk to Yuri in a kind way after what she did yesterday. How could she have just left like that? After Yuri showed that she cared? "..i could write a poem for her!"

Natsuki practically jumps out of bed, rushing to her desk and grabbing her notebook, she switches on her lamp and starts writing.

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