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We are now at the stadium for our match against United. It will be an important match for the fight for the third place and champions league qualification. United is a good team so I look forward to it. I'm starting as center back with Leah as always. We have become a good working duo on the pitch. I enjoy playing with her.

The match kicks off and starts pretty calm. Both us and United are not really coming out of the midfield which is why I'm not doing much back here. I basically just walk around. This match isn't what I was expecting it to be. It's boring. We try to push more but it doesn't really work. We can't get the ball forward. Luckily United can't either.

After over 40 minutes, I finally get the ball at my feet. I look forward and see that there is space. I could shoot but I know Leah can do it better so I pass the ball to her. She does a long cross into the box. Alessia jumps up and heads the ball into the net, finally giving us the lead. Leah comes over and we give each other a high five. She knows why I passed the ball to her. We keep that lead up until half time.

United make some changes for the second half but they don't seem to get any better at creating chances. Every ball that they do get through, me and Leah immediately block. I block a shot with my foot and it goes behind the goal for a corner. This could be their best chance yet. We all stand in front of the goal. Leah shows me where to stand. I like how she gives me these instructions for set pieces. She knows exactly what to do. The corner gets kicked and a lot of people jump up. The ball gets headed at towards the goal but Manu catches it. Leah collided heads with another player and fell to the ground. She is holding her face. I do a step up to her to check on her.

"Leah, are you okay?" I kneel down. Her shirt is covered in blood that is coming from her nose. I signal over to the medics that they need to come on the pitch. They are running over at Leah. I stay next to her but without touching her. The medical staff come over and take care of Leah's nose. I hope she will be okay and can continue to play. It's hopefully nothing too bad. I look at her shirt that is covered in blood. She can't continue like this. I try to signal over to the bench for them to give Leah a new shirt.

"She needs a shirt. Get her a new shirt." I say and point at the shirt. They don't seem to get it. I just give up.

"For god's sake." I say to myself and run over to the bench by myself. I arrive there and look through the extra shirts. There needs to be one for everyone. I find Leah's and run back to her. She is still on the ground and has her nose taped a bit. She seems to be okay. She sits up and wipes her face. The blood stopped running.

"I got you a new shirt." I say at her and hold it out for her. She looks up at me and signals me a thank you with her eyes. She takes it and gets up.

"I'll cover you." I stand in front of her so the cameras won't film her while changing her shirt. I also don't look even tho I want to. Leah takes her dirty shirt off and puts the fresh one on.

"Thanks." She says at me.

Luckily Leah is able to continue and we just have about 20 minutes left. We are still leading 1-0 and we are holding on to that. The rest of the match goes by with very few events. United don't really get chances. Leah does one of her impressive slide tackles. It's kind of sexy how good she is at that. I'm in awe of her. Normally I was always the best defender in my teams but I'm pretty sure Leah is better than me. She is so calm and experienced. She always knows what to do. I see no mistakes in her game. She gets the ball and kicks it forward. All her passes are perfect as well. I just want to watch her.

We manage to hold on to the lead and finish the match with a 1-0 win. I look at Leah to see how her nose is. She looks fine. She always looks fine but her nose also seems to be okay.

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