Chapter 33 - Look at me

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I sat in the cramped classroom, the air heavy with the weight of impending judgment and expectation. Shame, confusion, and a peculiar knot of anxiety twisted in the pit of my stomach as I awaited the inevitable interrogation.

"Have you completed your part of the project?" his voice pierced the tense silence, sending a shiver down my spine.

Oh, how I silently pleaded with any divine force listening to grant me pure silence from him.

"Yup, all wrapped up," I managed to force out, though the truth gnawed at my conscience – it was Chris who had truly carried the burden.

To my surprise, he fell into a rare silence for the remainder of the day, allowing me a brief reprieve to sink into my chair, though the haunting memories continued to assault my thoughts each time I closed my eyes. 

Finally, as the bell rang, signaling the end of the torment, I resolved to seek refuge in the comforting guidance of my writing teacher.

Afterwards, I met up with Mel, who promptly ushered me inside with a concerned look.

"Are you... are you okay?" I inquired, noticing her sudden change in demeanor.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she assured me, her demeanor seemingly transformed.

"So, what's with the sudden shift in attitude?" I probed further.

"Oh, nothing," she brushed off.

"And what was that text about?" I pressed on.

"Oh, it's nothing, I sorted it out with him," she replied casually.

"Alright then," I said, feeling a tinge of unease, but ultimately deferring to her judgment.

As I exited, heading back to my room, I found Chris lounging on my bed, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment from our previous encounter.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stammered.

"You're so cute... I'm here because I missed you," he confessed, his tone softening.

"Is that the only reason?" I inquired cautiously.

"Nah, come here," he beckoned, pulling me atop him.

"I'm also trying to exercise some self-restraint."

"Self-restraint? What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well, after seeing how Damon frightened Mel, I'm trying to only reveal certain aspects of myself," he explained. "What you witnessed yesterday was me holding back."

"How on earth was that even remotely restrained?" I gasped, fear creeping into my voice.

"I could have easily shown up here and had you at my mercy after dealing with him," he replied matter-of-factly, causing a chill to run down my spine. "You see, I'm trying to be considerate, at least for your sake."

After that, we lay in silence, my head resting on his chest, pondering the enigma that was his true personality.

Although a significant part of me is apprehensive about delving into his true nature, there's a smaller, curious part that yearns to uncover it. The internal conflict plagued my mind, and I mentally chastised myself as an unwelcome image flashed in my mind of me gazing up at him.

"I need to shower," I announced, gingerly extricating myself from his grasp.

"Take your time," he replied casually. Retrieving my clothes, I made my way to the shower, the nagging curiosity still lingering in the back of my mind.

Emerging from the shower, I found him still in the same position on the bed. As I gathered my dirty clothes, a sinking feeling settled in my stomach.

Why was my underwear missing?

Panic rising, I turned to Chris, who remained eerily motionless.

"Did you take my underwear?" I demanded, trying to keep my tone steady despite the growing unease.

"Probably," he responded with an unsettling nonchalance.

"What do you mean 'probably'? Either you did or you didn't," I pressed, feeling a sense of urgency to clarify the situation.

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