Chapter 6 : Shhhh!

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The group decided to continue their search for Keon, but they knew they had to be careful. They couldn't let the vigilantes know what they were looking for, or they might be in danger.

They started by researching the symbol they had found. Bryan pulled out his laptop and started searching online, while Tihanna and Jane went through Keon's phone and computer.

After a few hours of searching, they found a few leads. They discovered that the symbol was an old logo for a group called "The Order of the Red Hand." According to online reports, the group was a secret society that was known for their brutal tactics and extremist views.

"But what does it have to do with Keon?" Tihanna asked.

Bryan shook his head. "I'm not sure, but I think we need to find out more about this group."

Jane nodded. "I agree. Let's see if we can find any connections between Keon and this group."

As they continued to search, they found a few more clues. They discovered that Keon had been involved with a local activist group that was fighting against the vigilantes. The group was known for their peaceful protests and rallies, but it seemed that Keon had been getting more involved in the movement.

"I think we're getting close," Bryan said. "I think Keon might have been working with this group to take down the vigilantes."

Tihanna nodded. "And I think we need to find out who is behind this symbol and what they want."

The group continued to research, and they found a few more leads. They discovered that the leader of the Order of the Red Hand was a man named Marcus Blackwood, who was known for his extreme views on law and order.

"But what does he have to do with Keon?" Jane asked.

Bryan shook his head. "I'm not sure, but I think we need to find out more about Blackwood."

As they continued to search, they found a few more clues. They discovered that Blackwood had been involved in a few high-profile cases, and he had always managed to stay one step ahead of the law.

"I think we're getting close," Tihanna said. "I think we need to find Blackwood and ask him some questions."

The group nodded in agreement. They knew they had to be careful, but they were determined to find out what was happening with Keon.

As they left the library, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. They had found some leads, but they knew they still had a long way to go.

But little did they know, they were being watched. Blackwood had been monitoring their progress, and he was not happy about what he saw.

"You're getting too close," he said, his voice cold and menacing. "And you're going to pay for it."

The group didn't know what was happening, but they knew they had to be careful. They were playing with fire, and they didn't know how to put it out.

As they continued their search for Keon, they couldn't help but feel like they were in over their heads. But they were determined to find him, no matter what it took.

The group decided to track down Blackwood and confront him about Keon's disappearance. They knew it was a risky move, but they were determined to find out what was happening.

Bryan pulled out his phone and started searching for any information he could find on Blackwood. "I think I found something," he said. "He's supposed to be meeting with some of his followers at an old warehouse on the outskirts of town."

Tihanna nodded. "Let's go there and see what we can find."

Jane nodded in agreement. "We need to be careful, though. We don't know what kind of people we're dealing with."

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