Chapter 10 : Take This!

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As the group walked away from the building, they could feel a sense of relief wash over them. They had finally taken down Blackwood's organization, and they had done it together.

But as they turned a corner, they were confronted by a group of followers who were still loyal to Mr. Blackwood. The followers were determined to avenge their leader's defeat, and they were willing to do whatever it took to get their revenge.

The group knew that they couldn't let the followers get away with their plans. They stood their ground, ready to defend themselves against the attackers.

Bryan, with his incredible strength, took down the first few followers with ease. Jane used her agility and quick reflexes to dodge the attacks and take down several more. Tihanna used her hacking skills to disable the followers' communication devices, while Steve used his knowledge of the city's layout to outmaneuver them.

The group fought bravely, using their skills and abilities to take down the followers. But as they fought, they could feel their bodies growing tired. They knew that they had to end this fight quickly, before they lost their strength.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the fight was over. The group had emerged victorious once again, but not without scars. They had lost some of their allies, and they had suffered some injuries.

They were once some random nobodies, but they built their way to become secret agents.

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