Chapter 67: Don't Look At Me Like That

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**Hold On by Chord Overstreet**

**Youth by Daughter** (This one is so good)

*Alora POV*

I don't remember much of the following few days. All I remember is looking out of the windows, mostly just watching the black ravens sitting on the dark iron fence that surrounded the property. I didn't have much time in the beginning to explore the outside, but Ominis home just sat on a pot of land right outside the city limits. Not that we would need to drive anyway but.... it was still nice to have an opportunity to go in the city if we wanted. But that was until I realized I was pretty much on house arrest since I had broken Sebastian out of Azkaban.

I sighed.

Not sure what I was really looking at other than the concrete slabs that followed up to the front door.

Occasionally watching Ominis leave and come back. Always the simple sad look on his face when he had to leave but always seemed more cheerful when he walked back through the door.

We got into a comfortable routine.

Wake up, sleep in way too late. Ominis would already be downstairs, sipping on his morning tea. Dressed, hair slicked back, ready to tackle the day while I looked like I had rolled out of a trash can.

Sick to my stomach from the nervousness of watching his worried eyes as I came through the room.

I would usually sit by the library, read anything and everything to keep my mind busy. For some reason my mind went to the fantasy stories. Princes and princesses with the bad villain trying to keep them apart.

Always getting to the end with tears in my eyes from the happy ending the couple got to have.

Ominis usually sitting in the corner, flipping through the newspaper. Sighing uncontrollably, looking at the many articles about the ministry.

"Any update today?" I asked nonchalantly.

His eyes looked up through the paper, biting on the inside of his cheek.


He shook his head, "Its nothing. Don't worry about it."

I sighed, getting up off the couch and reaching him.

"Give it to me."

His white orbs challenged me. "I'm telling you Alora there's nothing here."

"And you're choosing to lie to me why?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He barely smiled.

Such a bad liar, I swear to merlin.

"I'm telling you there's nothing-"

I wasted no time, reaching for the newspaper. But Ominis was quick, snapping it back just out of my reach.

"Ominis Gaunt! Give it to me-" I reached again.

He quickly got up, tossing it behind his back. Smirking, liking this game of cat and mouse.

"Not a chance, Alora. Enough!"

I reached behind him, trying to grab it but he kept moving around the room, his feet shuffling with the newspaper behind his back.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up!"

"As long as I need to!" He chuckled.

His back finally had to stop from landing on a bookcase, not knowing where he was going as he had left his wand on the table.

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