Chapter 68: Punishing Storms

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*Alora POV*

It had been days, since me and Ominis really spoke to each other. He avoided me like I had the plague. Only making sure I ate throughout the day so I wouldn't begin to starve myself from the guilt. Practically sitting at the table, not allowing me to leave until everything was finished off my plate. His scolding eyes constantly judging me when I gripped about the damn vegetables I didn't want to have.

But once I was finally done, stuffing my stomach till it couldn't stretch anymore, he would leave. Run into his study or go play the piano, his fingers running across the keys. His body leaning into the melody wholeheartedly, the dark notes sending shivers down my spine. His anguish in every note that shook me.

Grabbing a pillow and shoving it in my ears, just trying to block out the noise.

I didn't want this. I didn't want to bring him such pain. I didn't want him to not want to try. I just-.... I just need this. Needed Sebastian's security even if that meant our freedoms would be taken away from both of us. I didn't want to rush marriage, I didn't-... want this to happen, I just couldn't help it.

I'm so tired of being sorry. So fucking tired......... that I can't sleep. I want to but I just can't for the memories, the uncertainty of his safety still waved heavy.

Tonight made it even harder. The harsh rain slashing up against the windows, the constant flicker of light from the power going in and out.

The strike of thunder and lightning playing with each other on the outside, battling each other. One getting louder and brighter than the other. Never letting up.

Just like us. Constantly battling each other........ and yet, so fucking stubborn.

The thunder shook the house, like someone had picked up the house, shaking it like a box of jellybeans, trying to find the perfect flavor, and then dropping it down.

Causing me to almost jolt out of the bed from the sound, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. My breath in pants, clutching my night gown to try to slow my heart.

Ominis strike on the keys came to an abrupt stop. Putting me even more on edge as I heard him leave the piano, the lights finally diminishing. Taking their last and final stand against the storm.

Great........ now I'm in the damn dark.....

Another flash of bright lightning struck against the sky, followed by an electric boom. Causing the home once again to shake.

My ears found him shutting his door slowly behind him. His feet shuffling against the hard wood floors followed by him sinking into his warm bed.

I sighed.

This was going to be a long night.....





I jolted up from my sleep, a suffocating noise rising from my throat. It was still storming, looking out my window and finding small pea sized hail had fallen from the sky.

Was that what I heard......

I turned to my left, noticing it was about 2am.


I grabbed my wand from the nightstand, throwing the covers off as my feet found the icy floor.

My heart beating 100 times a minute, panting, trying to get my fright under control.

My mind immediately already going to Marvolo. Maybe the ministry catching up with me finally from hiding here.

But the noise happened again. This time it came from inside Ominis bedroom.

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