Can I Be Him

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James sits in his usual chair keeping me company. Nate is sleeping. Between the surgery itself, no solid food in his system and pumps pumping things out of him, he sleeps a lot. Tonight I think I heard Jonah say he has to  have Nate try to get up and walk. Something about waking up his intestines.

"I think they want you to eat more than that, babe." James looks at the pasta that I barely made a dent in. It's too filling and I feel like I'm gonna throw up.  Jonah just finished his rounds so we have a little privacy while I try to eat.

The only thing I really want right now is to take a hot shower and an Ativan...or five. Everyone is getting on my nerves today. The nurses aren't happy I'm not eating, James isn't happy I'm not eating enough even when I DO eat and Nate just sleeps. Which I'm actually envious of because there is no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.

"I know they do. I'm trying. I'm really not hungry.." I push the tray away and lay back down on my side facing James. I study his  crystal blue eyes as he sits back in his chair.

"What? It's not as good as the pasta and sauce my sisters make?" James laughs.

"God, not even close. You didn't tell them I was here, did you?"

"Julia. It's on the news. Remember? Your life is  now just as public as 'America's Heartthrob' over there." James ticks his chin up towards Nate.

"Right... everyone knows." I hate this. I hate that nothing is private anymore. I hate that everyone knows I'm here. People judge so quickly.

James moves his chair so his knees are practically hitting the side of the bed. He takes my hand in his. "All they know is what the guy at the press conference told the world, just going into shock, a minor panic attack."

I nod in relief and try to take another bite. "If I eat more will you come lay with me for a bit?" 

James raises an eyebrow at me. "Deal."

I take a few more bites even though I can barely look at the food and then move to the edge of the bed to give James room. He shuts off the light and joins me, letting me rest my head on his chest. All I want to do is go home. Whether it be back to the hotel or back to James cute little bungalow. Anywhere but here. I melt into his warm embrace until James notices something.

 He realizes I'm apparently naked under my hospital gurney and lets out a quiet little hum.

"It's like free rein in here." He grabs my naked ass jokingly, but the way he did it turned me on instantly. Yep. In a fricken hospital room, with Nate passed out in the next bed. That's how messed up my head is. I pull the covers over to cover us.

"You may proceed..." I whisper in his ear so only he can hear me.

"Oh yeah?" He barely whispers back. I let him continue. "You know I have no problems with taking you right here, right now."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you, Mr. Gallo." I breathe out near his ear. "But I'm not kissing you till I brush my teeth."

"Same. I ate Cheetos for lunch." James admits.

"Cheetos, hmm? That's not like you."

"The cafeteria was packed so I hit up a vending machine instead." He sighs. James, for the most part is a very healthy eater, aside from the occasional taco truck and drinking beer.

"Ahh..I see." I push in close and feel him stir against me. His hands soothingly stroke my back while he rocks his hips against me. He buries his face in my neck and pillow and I keep my lips close to his ear the whole time which apparently turns him on.

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