Wait To See If Singapore Comes Out

You knock on the bookshelf, although you aren't sure if that is how the domains even work. When no-one responds, you decide to wait outside.

You see someone with a red and white flag with a crescent moon and five stars come round the corner and approach you.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't expecting visitors," Singapore says, "Especially not a human, but welcome."

He leads you into his domain. It is a hawkers centre, which somehow manages to perfectly mimic the atmosphere of the place despite being empty. You explain that the UK sent you to get a passport so you could explore the realm safely.

"I see. Well," he smirks "My passports are some of the strongest in the world, so you shouldn't get into too much trouble with one." He takes a little red book, embossed with the Singaporean coat of arms, off a table, before giving you a contemplative look.

A knocking sound echoes from the entrance to the domain and Singapore winces slightly.

"Would you mind," He asks, handing you the book. "Well, it's ASEAN. They do their best, but they're very... Anxious. And I'm pretty sure they're going to try to kidnap me to make sure all her paperwork is in order. I just need to distract her for a moment."

You agree as there is another knock on the entrance to the domain.

"Come in." Singapore calls out.

A rather frazzled looking personification enters the domain, and seems to be about to speak, but then sees you.

"Ah, sorry, ASEAN, I wasn't expecting you," Singapore says, "I'm just doing a deal with a human who's managed to find their way into our realm, so I will be indisposed for an uncertain amount of time" you give them a little wave.

"O-oh.., I thought Central was the one who..." ASEAN trails off "I suppose I will have to ask Malaysia instead. Um... Good luck with your business." They leave, frazzled.

"It's fine. Malaysia always manages to calm them down." Singapore says, sounding a bit fond, if quite exasperated. He hands you a passport "Thanks for that." You don't point out that you didn't really do anything, "you'll want to go to Central Region to get him to activate the Passport."

Do You:
> Head To Central Region

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