Open The Door

You slowly push open the door. Inside, is the typical stuff you'd expect to see - mops and buckets, cleaning supplies and a row of lockers. Taped to a row of lockers is a note.

It reads:

"To America,

I have kidnapped your state

because you annoy me."

Certainly to the point.

You call Texas to come over.

"Darn it!" He punches the locker next to the note "Japan's gone and stole California. I can't believe she'd do somethin' like that."

You are about to ask why Japan is his first suspect, but he continues.

"Unless it's someone pretendin' to be Japan... But who else could write in Haiku?" You wonder if not being able to write in other nation's poetry styles is a personification thing, or if Texas is just oblivious to his own ability to do so.

Texas is still muttering to himself "Unless they paied Japan to do the poetry. Probably told her it was for a comic or something."

"Either way," Texas rips the note off the door and makes his way outside, cowboy boots echoing on the hard floor, "We should get this to the Boss." You follow outside, but you feel something is suspicious about the situation.

You voice your suspicions of the situation and that you think the two of you should:

> Talk To Japan

> Talk To America

> Talk To The Last Person Who's Seen California

Geography Assignment Gone Wrong [Country Humans]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt