
Texas helps you up onto his horse, and you head towards California's domain. You notice the cracked desert sand and cacti fade back into bookshelves and carpeted floors, and then into sand again, but this time soft beach sand and the sound of waves can be heard.

California's domain is much smaller than Texas', a small slice of beach that looks out onto an evening ocean with a few surfboards off to the side and a Starbucks to the other.

Texas parks his horse outside of the shop, the two of you dismounting. Texas looks around outside, calling for California. After finding no response, Texas heads into the shop, with you following him.

It's empty.

"Cali?" Texas says "You around?

There's no response.

"Great." Texas frowns. "Where have they wandered off to?" He stalks back outside.

You notice that the "Staff Only" door is slightly ajar.

Do You:

> Push Open the Door (Chapter 47)

> Follow Texas Outside (Chapter 46)

Geography Assignment Gone Wrong [CountryHumans]Where stories live. Discover now