Pull Out The Passport

Feeling a vibration from your pocket, you pull out the passport you got from Singapore. As you do so, a faint grey outline traces around you, glowing softly.

"What the heck?" Malaysia's serious demeanour immediately drops (along with the floating flowers), "Ugh, I didn't realise you'd have a passport!"

You hadn't realised that a passport would be some sort of magic item, but then, perhaps you should have.

"Well, it might be activated, but you don't have any allies yet." She says, the hibiscuses reappearing.

You try to figure out what that statement means - the passport being activated probably referred to the grey shine, but you can't figure out what she means by allies.

"I guess I should ask if you want to end this peacefully, and you go on your way, or are you going to try to fight me to get to my Milo?"

Do You:

> Agree to Leave And Investigate Indonesia (Chapter 56)

> Fight the Personification of Malaysia

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