A/N: The reason you get a passport from Singapore is because it is one of the strongest in the world (I hadn't realised UAE had actually overtaken it this year, woops!)

Enter Singapore's Domain

You knock on the bookshelf, although you aren't sure if that is how the domains even work. When no-one responds, you push open the door.

You don't see the personification when you enter, but you glance around their domain. Singapore's domain is a hawker's centre. The room is large, filled with stalls selling a wide variety of street food surrounding tables and chairs. Right next to you, you can see a stall stocked with particularly delicious chilli crab, and it crosses your mind that you could ask Singapore if you can have some for your travels. The air seems to almost shimmer in a way that, along with the sounds of usual market bustle, gives you the bizarre feeling of standing in a space full of life and despite being alone in the room.

There is a note on one of the tables, next to a pack of tissues, that reads "Off Doing Business, Please Come Back Later." Three more notes repeat the same message in Tamil, Mandarin and Malay.

You turn to go, but as you exit the domain, you hear a shout.


And the sound of someone running off.

Do you:

> Take a passport and leave Singapore to a potentially horrible fate at the hands of a dangerous kidnapper

> Run outside and try to rescue him.

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