To Central Region

Central Region's Domain is only one bookshelf away from Singapore's. Inside, it is a modern, open plan living room-slash-kitchen, part of a highrise apartment, with large windows that look down onto a nighttime city. It sparkles with lights, which reflect in the night-black ocean as if you were looking out into a universe full of stars.

Central Region greets you as you enter. She does not have a flag on his face, but instead has a thin gold line that traces the map of the location she personifies on human skin tone. You ask him to activate your passport, although you aren't sure exactly what that entails.

"Of course," Central Region smiles at you. Then a thoughtful expression crosses his face "Although, seeing as I am doing you a favour..."

"How about we make a deal? I activate that passport for you, and you get something for me from Malaysia." You ask him to clarify. "Well, she's stolen my Merlion and refuses to give it back. Singa isn't on speaking terms with her at the moment, so he's no help. I want you to get my Merlion back."

Do You:

> Accept The Deal (Chapter 49)

> Refuse The Deal (Chapter 100)


A/N: I couldn't find a logo/flag for Singapore's Central Region. If there is one, please let me know.

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