Return To Germany After Getting A Favour From Canada

You take the shovel back to Germany's domain, pleased that you managed to get the shovel without being made past tense by the geese.

"Ah, thanks, you got the shovel." Germany is currently sitting on his sofa, surrounded by huge piles of papers.

"I think I have figured a way for you to get back, but it will require filling in a few forms before I can start working on it." You look at the dozens of piles of paperwork, all at least half a metre tall. You then look at Germany, who shrugs "Standard bureaucracy. I recommend complaining about it, it makes the process quite enjoyable."

You look at the horrific pile of paperwork and decide now is the perfect time to cash in the favour from Canada.

Do You:

> Get Canada To Do The Paperwork

> Do The Paperwork Yourself

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