Go Around The Geography and History Section

You go around the Geography and History Section, leaving the non-fiction section entirely, and through the comic books and manga section. You reach the far wall, and find the fire-door. You hesitate, and then try pushing it. It does not set off an alarm, but it also does not open. It makes sense that the door would be locked while no-one is in the building, but it was worth trying.

You check the time again - still 9:04, but your battery is now at 3%. That's not good. Perhaps you should charge it at the computer. Or maybe it would be better to just go back to the entrance to hang around a bit.

You Decide to:

> Go back the way you came to return to the seat by the window (Chapter 32)

> Follow the wall of the library to go Upstairs to the computer you were using (Chapter 33)


A/N: These routes will lead to two special versions of the game - I'd recommend playing the main game first (Well, you have to for now, as I haven't got very far writing these bits.)

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