Sticks And Stones May Break His Bones, But Words Might Stop Him Stabbing You

You try to think of a topic to use as psychological warfare, and you say the first thing that comes to mind - you say, that if he really is England, he should remember The Second World War.

"World War Two?" He asks, and you see something shift in his eyes. "Yeah, I was there, showing the Germans what's what. Even when our cities were being turned to rubble by the Luftwaffe, and our economy was going to shit. We were -"

He actually seems quite happy to waffle on about his time in the second world war. Like weirdly happy, he's even stopped pointing his knife at you and is instead twirling it around his fingers quite elegantly.

After you learn more about World War Two Britain than you ever thought possible (although, the validity of the information could be questioned, given the rather biassed (drunk) source), he pauses and gives you a thoughtful look.

"Hey, you wonna go piss off the Froggy?"

[Achievement Unlocked: Friends(?) with England]

Do You:

> Go Mock the French (Chapter 22)

> Make an Excuse and Leave (Chapter 112)

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