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Free Canada From The Geese

You agree to do the favour for Canada and the two of you concoct a plan. Canada explains that the geese can freely travel between his and his province's domain, but would get stuck if they were left in someone else's domain without an escort.

The plan the two of you develop is not very sophisticated, and might get you murdered by Geese, but you think you can do it.

You make it very clear that Canada owes you one for this.

"Uh, yeah, that sounds reasonable," He says, eyeing the geese. You wonder vaguely how intelligent they were. Clearly intelligent enough to understand the concept of politeness, and lack thereof.

You nod to Canada, signalling you were ready to commence the plan. He nods back.

You walk confidently over to the bottles of maple syrup stacked on the floor and grab one, very obviously. You then start walking purposefully to the edge of Canada's domain.

"Oh no, that very mean human is stealing my maple syrup." Canada says, unconvincingly.

Despite his lacklustre performance, the geese simultaneously turn to look at you. You can feel 31 beady goose eyes on you. Some primordial sense of danger kicks in, something developed long before creatures ever evolved to live in unified societies.

You run.

The sound of Geese honking and webbed feet slapping on the floor follows you as you sprint out of the domain and through the shelves.

You nearly collide with a shelf as you take a sharp corner, barely glancing over your shoulder as you sprint through the maze of shelves, keeping an eye on the book titles, and looking for any signs that might indicate you are no longer in the Canadian section.

You're sure there are less geese behind you - they must have split up to ensure they didn't

You run into the closest non-Canadian domain you can see, the book simply titled as "Greenland" indicating you are in the right place.

the Geese are hot on your heels. You stumble in, barely giving yourself time to look at the empty expanse of snow you've ended up in and instead throw the maple syrup at the personification.

They catch it and instantly the horde of approaching murder-birds split into two teams, one going for the unfortunate Greenland, the others still coming after you for vengeance.

But you'd planned for this, and, scrambling up onto a snowy ledge, announce loudly that the geese liked causing climate change.

A polar bear ambles next to you.

The geese pause. Even Canadian Geese knew that Polar bears where Not To Be Fucked With.

The Bear lollops down the ledge.

The one eyed leader of the Goose-Brigade bravely waddled forward, clearly in defence of their comrades.

The Polar bear raises its left paw.

Then it smacks the nearest goose, making its head twang back and forth like an overly fast metronome. The other geese shuffle together, huddling defensively. You take the opportunity to make your get away.

"Wait, um, what-" the question is cut off as you leave the domain.

Returning to Canada's domain you tell him you were successful.

"Thank you so much. Greenland's got a polar bear, so the geese should behave themselves," He clearly feels very relieved to be free of the evil Geese.

Do You:

> Return To Germany (Chapter 118)

> Hang Out With Canada A Bit Longer

Geography Assignment Gone Wrong [CountryHumans]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang