The Kingdom Of France

You decide to stay in the history of France section. Walking up to the nearest bookshelf, you enter the domain there. You find yourself in a large, opulent room that is reminiscent of a dance hall of Versailles: gilded, elegant and smelling a bit like dog piss.

The Kingdom of France doesn't seem to be inside, and you are about to head back out when you notice one of the large glass doors is hanging open and a figure is standing on the balcony.

You approach and greet him. Turning, the Kingdom of France draws his sword in an instant and points it at you.

"I won't let you kill me again!" He waves the sword in your face, attempting to back away, as much as he could, colliding with the elegant low marble wall of the balcony.

You raise your hands and say that, no, you were just here to get directions.

"O-oh." The Kingdom of France coughs, putting away his sword, "My apologies. I assumed because you look poor. Poor people are always so cruel to me, you know. I did nothing wrong and yet they always try to cut off my head, like that nasty French Republic."

You look at him blandly, not even sure how to respond to that.

"I mean, she's a wicked woman, going around chopping innocent people's heads off! I mean, she didn't orchestrate the reign of terror, but she might as well have!"

You make a non-committal noise.

"And then she goes around terrorising all those unfortunate monarchies of Europe, who really just want-" You realise if you don't cut in soon, you're going to be stuck here like you had been with England, and if you want to get that passport, you'll have to say something.

Do You:

> Interrupt Him And Ask For Directions (Chapter 128)

> Let Him Continue Venting

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