You enter the domain entirely by accident. You just about managed to see the letters "Po-" before you trip over something that lets out a squeaky sound and fall head first into the bookshelf.

And into a pile of dogs. Pomeranians, to be specific. The silly pom-pom dogs crowd around you, yipping excitedly. You realise you must be in Pomerania's domain when you realise that the ground was sandy, with dunes that stretch to what looks like the Baltic Sea in the distance.

But the dogs don't let you enjoy the view for long, as they pile up around you and nose at the basket you are holding.

Do You:

> Go through Pomerania's Domain and Hope You End Up In The Right Place (Chapter 77)

> Die of the Fwoofyness (Chapter 76)

A/N: Poland has more sand than I'd expected. Besides this, it also has a (Man-made) desert in Lesser Poland.

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