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(4 years ago)

Ultra Magnus sighed as he looked around making sure nobody from his ship was nowhere in sight as he walked through the woods,his metal footsteps making the ground tremble and shake slightly,before he stopped looking around for a moment.
"Right here." A voice spoke from below him.
It was his human mistress Bella in front of him.
"Oh right my apologies." Ultra Magnus stated as he switched to his human hologram form.
"You could have given me a better warning though that you were coming I could have been better prepared." Ultra Magnus stated before Bella gave him a kiss,and on impulse he kissed her back.
Oh how much I love you.. Ultra Magnus thought to himself before he shook his head and pulled away.
No we can't be doing this..Cybertron has laws,I'd be deemed a traitor and exiled by my own people.. Ultra Magnus thought to himself as he held her hands.
"You know we can't do this,I can't abondon my people.." Ultra Magnus said as he gently kissed her forehead.
"I know,I just..I wish things were different." Bella mumbled.
"I do too my love.." Ultra Magnus mumbled as he played with a strand of her hair.
"But that's not why I called you here." Bella said as she looked up at his turquoise colored eyes.
"Oh?" Ultra Magnus asked tilting his head.
Bella sighed and opened her hoodie pulling back the zipper and revealing a baby harness,with..no it couldn't be!
But it was.
A tiny human baby about the size of his antennas,with his turquoise eyes and she had dark blue hair as well.
My..daughter..our daughter. Ultra Magnus thought to himself as a small smile came to his face out of pure awe for the little baby.
"Is..is she..?" Ultra Magnus asked before Bella interrupted him.
"No she's not human,she's cybertronian like you,that's just a human disguise she puts on so I can carry her." Bella stated.
So she was born with the ability of using a hologram form at will like myself?..huh.. Ultra Magnus thought to himself.
"Listen I know this is a lot from you but I need you to..well..I would like you too.." Bella hesitated.
"You..want me to take her?" Ultra Magnus asked putting a hand on his chest,his smile faltering for a moment.
If only things were different then we could have raised our daughter together,but alas things are the way they are. Ultra Magnus thought.
"Yes..please,everyone will know she's you're child if she stays with me." Bella mumbled as she held up there baby to him.
Ultra Magnus looked at there daughter and sighed.
She's correct,everyone will know who her REAL father is even if she stays with her mother,besides..kids will bully her,what kind of life would she have? Ultra Magnus thought.
"I'll take her." Ultra Magnus agreed as he gently picked up his daughter,who instantly switched back to her Cybertronian form,Ultra Magnus still astounded by how tiny she was as she held onto his finger tight.
That's when he noticed even in her Cybertronian form she had five fingers instead of four,which the usual cybertronian had.
"You're a special little one aren't you?" Ultra Magnus asked as his daughter looked up at him,he chuckled slightly before looking back at Bella.
"Does she..have a name?" Ultra Magnus asked.
Bella hesitated to respond before she looked up at him.
"Bluejay,her name is Bluejay." Bella said gently.
"Bluejay,alright then." Ultra Magnus said before he heard some of his soldiers looking for him,cutting the reunion with his lover short.
"I..I..have to go." Ultra Magnus hesitantly said as he ran off back to the ship,leaving Bella behind.
Ultra Magnus then panted slightly from exhaustion as he sat down on his throne,still holding bluejay in his arms.
Don't worry little one,you'll be safe with me I promise..I'll protect you with my very spark.
Ultra Magnus vowed as he held his daughter close to his chest.

-End of chapter.

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