🛡️Chapter 5🛡️

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(Present day,With Ultra Magnus)
Ultra Magnus entered the small base Optimus and his team had built,it looked comfortable with a few couches,tables and chairs,it reminded him a bit of the meeting longue back in his headquarters on Cybertron.
Optimus quickly led him to a small chest and Sentinel tilted his helm.
"That's it?" Sentinel asked with a questioning glare.
I wouldn't be so quick to judge sentinel,sometimes things can be special despite there size. Ultra Magnus thought as his thoughts proved correct as Optimus revealed ten shards,what was left of the allspark.
Ultra Magnus stared at the glow,if he hadn't seen it a thousand times he'd be in awe,but he simply smiled in approval instead.
"Good work Optimus." Ultra Magnus praised as Optimus's optics lit up slightly at his praise reminding Ultra Magnus of his late mentor back when Optimus was just a cadet,Senator Shockwave who had been a calm,calculated yet kind bot who always had Optimus following him around,he had been a good friend and a amazing mentor before he had disappeared without a trace shortly before the war began.
I wish we knew what happened to him. Ultra Magnus thought to himself before a loud sound interrupted his thoughts.
"Commander! I can't find Bluejay,she's gone!" Jazz said through the communicator.
Ultra Magnus's eyes widened in pure horror.
Bluejay's gone..No! That can't be! We have to find her! Ultra Magnus thought worriedly as he sped off without so much as a word to the confused Sentinel and Optimus who quickly followed behind him.
Please be okay please be okay! Please be okay! Ultra Magnus pleaded silently as he looked desperately around for his daughter until he saw her,sitting on top of a large tree branch.
"Bluejay! Thank the allspark.." Ultra Magnus said with a sigh of relief before his voice switched from relief to stern.
"Bluejay,I told you specifically to stay in the ship with Jazz,you disobeyed my orders,and you will go back to the ship at once." Ultra Magnus said sternly.
I was worried sick..I don't want you hurt,please understand I am doing this for you're own good. Ultra Magnus thought to himself and much to his surprise Bluejay shook her head.
"No!" Bluejay said defiantly making Ultra Magnus's antennas shoot straight up.
What?..what is going on? She's never been temperamental with me before! She's always listened to me! Ultra magnus thought in confusion.
"Bluejay I'm not asking,I order you to go back to the ship." Ultra Magnus said sounding more stern,hoping she'd listen this time to his second warning before he'd have to punish her.
"But I want to stay.." Bluejay whimpered.
Ultra Magnus sighed and gently picked up bluejay,putting her down on the ground and crouching to her level.
"I know sweetspark,I know but you can't stay,it's not..it's not the right time okay." Ultra Magnus said simply trying not to sound as stern as to not scare her.
"But but.." Bluejay mumbled before she sighed and her antennas went down as she went back to the ship.
"Good girl." Ultra Magnus forced himself to say as his optics stared at the ground.
I..I wish I could give you better little one,but I can't,im so sorry.. Ultra Magnus thought as Sentinel smirked.
"Now let's go back to cybertron,right commander?" Sentinel said with a smirk as he and Jazz carried the chest with the allspark pieces in.
"Not yet." Ultra Magnus said simply.
I'm going to keep my promise to my daughter,I told her I'd let her play once it was the right time,and I'm going to keep my word. Ultra Magnus thought.
"But commander.." Sentinel was about to object before Ultra Magnus glared at him.
"That is a order." Ultra magnus said,raising his voice slightly as Sentinel relcuntantly nodded.
"Yes commander." Sentinel said as he walked back inside the ship,followed by Ultra Magnus and Jazz.

-End of chapter.

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