🗡️Chapter 4💙

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(Present day,With Ultra Magnus)

Ultra Magnus sighed as he drove side by side with Sentinel and Optimus in his vechile mode,doing his best not to get sentimental as everything reminded him of Bella,he wondered how she was now,if she was okay,if she was alive,did she miss him? Did she want to see there daughter?
Ultra Magnus quickly shook those thoughts away however not wanting to remind himself of what were now painful memory's of a life that could have been.
(flashback..4 years ago)
Ultra Magnus was holding Bluejay in his arms gently as he rocked her back and forth,smiling warmly at her before he heard the door open to reveal Sentinel Prime and his smile quickly faded as he stood up from his throne.
"What is THAT?!" Sentinel asked with a hint of disgust as he looked at Bluejay,specifically her five digits.
"My daughter." Ultra Magnus said simply as he held onto Bluejay a bit more tightly.
"You're daughter? But..But..you're not married?!" Sentinel said sounding stunned and disgusted at the same time.
"I know." Ultra Magnus said simply as he looked back down at his daughter.
Sentinel's eyes then widened as if he has realized something in that moment.
"That is..you-know-who's baby isn't it?" Sentinel said in a whisper with a look of disgust reappearing on his face.
"Yes,me and Bella's baby." Ultra Magnus said simply.
Sentinel shook his head,looking enraged now.
"Why,why would you do that?! Have a baby with a organic? You know what will happen if word gets out!" Sentinel snapped.
"Word WONT get out Sentinel,we are to keep quiet about her heritage and her hybrid nature,are we understood?" Ultra Magnus said firmly.
"Yes commander,but..what about Bella?" Sentinel asked.
Ultra Magnus hesitated to respond but eventually after a moment of silence he forced himself to say the last two words that broke his spark in two.
"We're Done." Ultra Magnus stated,the lack of emotion in his voice making it seem like he was fine with it,but deep down he knew he wanted to cry,and the minute he was alone,that's exactly what he'd do.
(flashback end)
Ultra Magnus sighed,he now felt even more lonely then he did moments ago as he stayed silent.
"Sir we're at the base..are..are you okay?" Optimus said optimistically before he noticed Ultra Magnus's saddened expression.
I must not have hid my expression well if Optimus of all bots could detect my pain. Ultra Magnus thought as he quickly forced a smile.
"I'm fine Optimus,thank you,now let's go see if the allspark truly is here or not." Ultra Magnus said hoping he wouldn't have to arrest what was in his eyes a very promising young bot with a lot of potential.

-End of chapter.

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