🐦Chapter 3🐦

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(Present day with Jazz and Bluejay)
Bluejay sighed as she sat on the ground,boredom in her optics as Jazz tried his best to keep her entertained with toys and games.
"I'm gonna go get an energon snack,I'll be right back." Jazz said as he stood up and left,Bluejay then saw a perfect opportunity to explore outside the shield that sentinel put on the ship.
Bluejay knew that her father would be mad at her if she went outside the shield but something inside her spark felt drawn to the outside of the ship,the green ground,the blue sky with white spots in it and the gentle breeze that tickled her antennas.
I need to know what's out there! Bluejay thought as she looked up at the shield before she walked through it,knowing the shield wouldn't affect her because she was Cybertronian.
A cool breeze greeted her almost instantly,and the green ground felt ticklish on her feet,Bluejay couldnt help but giggle as her antennas moved up and down in response to the breezy air.
Bluejay continued to walk around in curiosity,looking at everything around her,it looked strange but familiar all at the same time,it was odd but she quickly shrugged the feeling off,especially when she saw a big hole in the ground with some kind of clear liquid inside.
Bluejay tilted her head and stuck a digit out to touch it,pulling it back the minute she did.
The liquid felt cold on her digit,but it didn't have any smell or color and it didn't stick to her like oil did.
What is it? Bluejay thought noticing her reflection showed through the liquid.
Bluejay noticed she was still close to the ship though and wanting to keep exploring she walked farther away from it,looking around curiously at everything around her,wanting to know what it all was and why it was there and most importantly..Why was this planet so familiar to her?

-End of chapter.

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