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Black, thats all I see, all I feel.
Who am I, where am I why can't I see or hear anything?

'Wake up, wake up'

I open my eyes to see a shape hovering above me. A shape getting clearer

"What are you doing lying down here, there's a sand storm on its way "
"excuse me but who are you?"

That made her pause for a few seconds before she  organised her thoughts and said..
"Oh i'm Miranda, sorry but can we do the introductions after we find shelter?"

I look around to quickly make sense of my surroundings. I realize with the sand in the air and the scorching heat, it is definitely not ideal for introductions

"oh! you're right, um sorry"
"Please, don't delay any longer. We have to hurry"

After what felt like an hour, I can finally make out a wall at a distance. The closer we get to it the larger it seems.

we finally arrive at a gate

A guard spots my companion and lets us in without many questions. Guess whoever she is, must go in and out the gates often

Once inside she leads me to an inn where we seat ourselves at a table
"ummm, well. Hello again so I'm Miranda, no one special but I do have a father at the guard posts beyond the city gates just like you."
Just like me?

"oops! I'm rambling again. Whats your name?"
Wait, what is my name? who am i?
I am now sitting in a healers quarters to where Miranda was kind enough to guide me.

Hope she's not too kind. there are too many people waiting to take advantage of....

Who am I kidding, I'm the one I should be worrying about. A woman who knows not her name or herself, not where she came from. Nothing. I feel like a blank slate....

"Hello dear" the healer greats me. I look at her and for some reason i feel safe.
What was her name again?

"Excuse me, what did you say your name was again?"
"I didn't, My name is Arriane"

"Oh hello, do you know whats wrong with me.." Did that come out too harsh?
"I'm sorry if that came out rude.."

"course not, you are worried about yourself. Perfectly normal"

"Well, aside from your physical injuries from what I can see, you seem to have forgotten everything about yourself"

WHAT!!, OK now I'm freaking out, what am I to do, I know no one. I can trust no one I I..

"Wait how can I speak your language and do the actions I can?"

"If you have been doing something all your life, your body remembers, if not your mind child,"
"But thats not it, what I mean is you have forgotten your memories related to yourself and of the people around you, its extremely rare but certainly not unheard off"

How my voice comes out composed and study is a mystery to me...

"Let me explain gently child. I'm sure you've heard of a butterfly"


"When a caterpillar morphs into one it will forget all about its life and start afresh. But what it does remember is it's needs to survive. what to eat, when to fight, when to run..."

"You condition right now is the same, except without the morphing part."

I don't know if I should feel better or worse.
"Which is why I still remember to speak but not how I learnt it?"

"Exactly, except you also know how to walk"

She has a terrible sense of humour

"But for all I know you could be a spy for another kingdom, I really should send word of you to our ruler to imprison you"

Wait, I might not have memories, but I'm definitely not a spy. Right

Should I just run, but if i do what comes after....
Laughter echoes through the room,

"Im just teasing, don't worry, I wont do that"
"Then what will you do" I asked cautiously
She smiled her cryptic smile and said nothing
if I wasn't scared enough by then, I definitely am now.

Reminisce and Strengthen, My ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now