Chapter 6

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I meet Miranda at lunch time and I'm so elated with what had happened that I tell her everything. She was silently pondering what I told her.

"Something doesn't feel right Mel"

"It's nothing. I was just saying that I was asked a question today and I kind of fumbled with an answer"

"No way! You?"
"Yeah me. I can't believe it myself"
"And? I feel a but coming"

" But someone helped me out and he felt like a saviour to me at that instant." She said with dreamy eyes. Wait what? Love at first sight? I should check on him just in case

"Why don't you introduce him to me over dinner"
"I can't do that. I'm too shy. "

I give her a look. She looks away like she's definite about her decision.

Well, I guess there is a whole year to meet him. No need to rush. I hope.

What I didn't realise in that instant was that Miranda was thinking the same about me.
After dinner, I head off to do my chores. Today it's taking me longer than usual.
I can't help it. I keep thinking what it is I did before I lost my memories. That made him say that I had a better chance of changing and atoning myself if my memories remain lost.

I finally made it half way. Just another half to go. Not motivating at all. I groaned

"Melody" Alex called out
Miranda's crush called out to me. Perfect. Let me see if he is good enough for Miranda to have a crush on her.


" I already finished polishing the armour"
I was shocked

"Think of it as thanks for doing my work the day before ."

"No, thank you so much. I really really didn't want to do it today"

He passed. Not because he helped me. I'm not that easy to please. Okay maybe I am. But the real reason is because he decided to return a favour no matter how small. Plus he's so kind
If he's caring and cherish her he definitely has my support.

"Anyway Im heading to our rooms. Wanna join?"

"I wanna stay for a little while longer. Thanks though "

"Hey,Alex! You know Miranda, the umm well, quite childish bubbly innocent girl I always hang out it"

"The smart one who even rivals my knowledge you mean"

Okay, now I feel embarrassed. Is that what everyone thinks about her?

"Yeah that one"

"What about her?"

"She was talking about wanting to be friends with you and discuss. She's an enthusiast when it comes to knowledge so.."
"Sure, I don't mind. It feels nice reading with someone on the same level as me or thereabouts"

"It's just that she is shy to approach"

"Oh! Girls. I was going to approach her anyways, thanks though, see you around"

I go back to the training area, find a quite corner to sit in and watch. Everyone training now are called experts and experienced for a reason.
They truly are amazing. My instructor was there too.
And he just caught me staring. Oh no. I take back not regretting a thing.
He raised his eyebrow and asked me with his eyes what I was doing here.

"Get over here and pick a weapon gutsy"

Oh yes. The mortifying nickname. Though I feel nothing malicious in his tone. He looked at me with expectation and with admiration. He genuinely wanted to spar with me. It's rare to find someone like him.

I walk over to the weapon rack and choose a long sword, when a dagger was handed to me.
Callum, when did he get here?

"Umm, I've never tried this combination before"
"You did. Just don't remember. Trust your instincts and fight. You'll win"
"It's against a broadsword. I can't "
"Just trust me and go Mel. I believe in you even if you don't." he said while giving me an encouraging shove.

I stand in front of him. We start.
15 min later my dagger was at his neck with my long sword at his chest with him on the ground.
I turn around to see Callum smiling at me.
A smile that sent butterflies to my stomach. I can't help it, I reciprocate. And I swear he was dazzled as well. Nice to know I have an effect on him too.

I thank my opponent and walk over to him

"How did it feel"

"Perfect, like the weapons were a part of me. Like my style was perfect and that I'll never lose even if I never...."
"You did. Just don't remember" He said softly eyes full of adoration as he patted my head like I'm his disciple. And I didn't mind his touch one bit. In fact I wanted more. Which is rare. The only other people are Arriane and Melody. Now Callum too.

"Wanna have a spar with me?"

"I don't see why not."

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