Chapter 2

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I stand before the main shrine with Arriane and I am not exaggerating when I say

"Its magnificent and so so beautiful, I think I just fell in love "

But it feels like I've seen it before. It feels like a second home..

"A coin for your thoughts"
"My thoughts are of more value than your coin Ari "
"Is that so"

We both burst out laughing soon after

"Nothing, i was just thinking that this place feels like"


"when you have to go away and live there for a while and u get attached. its like a home but not one at the same time. Do you get it"

"Nope, never felt that way" Typical Arriana to not get attached to well anything. hopefully , I mean something.

"Anyway lets go in Mel "
"Sure lets go"

We walk in where we are further guided by the attendants to a huge noisy hall where a lot of people my age were seated.

Right after we took our places People dressed from head to toe in white walked in. Priests and in between them walked the pope. Who now walked to the centre of the stage to address us.

"A hearty welcome to everyone here. We are elated to have you all here amongst us. I won't bore u all with known introductions. With great grief i must convey a trusted has left her place in the 1st circle a little while ago. The aura which was inside her is now searching for someone to take her place.

One amongst you sitting here might take her place in the near future.She was known for her beauty, her wit, her gift of song. If I start singing her praises now it wont end for another month or more even if I forsake eating and sleeping "

This earned a lot of chuckles from the crowd.

"Her footsteps will be hard to follow, but Im sure the chosen one will do so admirably"

I could see competitiveness and will power amongst those around me. I respect them. Why because I feel insecure after what I heard. I'm starting to self doubt myself and this is me when I am not even aiming for the spot.

"Are you still thinking of taking over the aides of the pope after you prove yourself here?"Arianna asked

"I smiled
"Yes, Of course"
Ari gives me a look and before she says something I say

"You know what it is I want Arianna. By becoming a trusted I lose control not gain it. I have no interest to be the hands and feet of the ruler. " I feel a pang in my chest as i say this. Why, I wonder

"We'll see. We'll see"

"I request everyone but the participants to leave, after you say your goodbyes of course. You'll be shown your rooms where you will be staying the coming one year.

Good luck to you all.

May the light be your will to show you the way. "

Meanwhile I was mortified and panicking

"Ari, I literally missed half the speech bcoz I was talking to you. did i miss anything important? " Arianna was writing down something on a piece of paper and groaned

"Mel, U missed less than one fourth of the speech. calm down and get off your nerves."
I took a deep breath

"I can do that" But why did i suddenly feel so anxious. I almost never feel anxious.

I turn behind and see one of the most handsome man I ever saw in my life. My heart was beating so fast and if I felt anxious before, that was a joke compared to what i feel now. I feel guilty, happy, angry but also want to run to him and collapse into his arms.

Is it possible to feel so many emotions at once...?

That as until he just looked away. Like I meant nothing. like I'm just a strange women looking at him. Like I am one among the crowd.

I felt cold and numb like my whole world just stopped.

Whats wrong with me?

Arrianne was shaking my shoulders to get my attention
"Hey Mel... Meelllooody"
"ummm hi?"

She took one look at that man and said "Forget it" and I could swear she looked jealous for a second

She slipped a paper into my hand, gave me a bone crushing hug and summoned crocodile tears which she wiped with my handkerchief. She has a talent for acting this one.
And me, i love this annoying girl to bits.

When she was gone I looked around for that man, to find him gone too. I felt a hollowness I didn't know existed.

I opened the paper Ari gave me and you wouldn't believe it.

hiya Mel,
The pope said all the candidates from the 3rd to 4th circles will live in the lodgings they provide for the next 1 year.

If you are a noble's child (which you're not) or being sponsored by a noble they can reside in their respective family's mansion. Before you ask they are a few nobles who want the future pope and the aides indebted to them so to put it nicely they sponsor.

P.S the man you were staring at like he stole something precious, don't do that next time wierdo...

Thats it.I love you. See u in a month or 2 or 3. BYEEEEE

P.p.s were u surprised?

She wrote down the part of the speech I wasn't listening . Sometimes I feel like this girl knows me better than i know myself. But I do get the feeling he stole something

And while I was in my own world

"Hello, have me met before, I feel like we do, oh sorry you were busy reading. I'll wait until you're done umm" she looks down feeling guilty

I look up to see miranda, the 1st person I met after I lost my memories.

I don't know if this means the start of another journey but what I do know is that the women in front of me has definitely not changed one bit..

Only this time I intend to have a proper introduction

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