Chapter 5

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As I walk towards the training grounds, I feel different, good different. It's been that way since I've met him yesterday. As much as my guilt and fear are dragging me down, I can feel like I can finally breathe even through the negative emotions I feel at the moment.

Anyways after taking in our strengths, weakness, and interests into consideration , they divided us into three divisions amongst the ones who are left.
Half our number have already left us. Sadly Miranda and me are in different classes now. I miss her soooo much already. Just after I opened up to her too.

I reach the training ground to find most of them gathered. I don't know if luck is in my favour or not but he's there.
Just after I worked up my nerve to go and ask him his name our instructor walked in. Guess not so lucky after all.
"It's nice to finally not see any sleepy heads in this class.  Now I want 3 of you to step forward. 3 who think they are the most powerful amongst you. NOW!"
5 step forward and they look at each other, communicating through their eyes for the others to step back

" We have a lot of enthusiastic ones here I see. No matter. The more the merrier" He said with an excited smirk on his face while rolling up his sleeves.

In 5 minutes the 5 of them were on the floor groaning in pain with him the sole one standing.
"Anyone else think they can last more than a minute can try their luck." He said tauntingly.

Okay, now I'm pissed. Just who does he think he is. As I was taking a step forward, I felt a strong grip on my upper arm. I look behind to see him. He was warning me with his eyes not to go.
After a minute of pondering, the instructor's voice broke through my thoughts.

"No one. I truly hoped for better. How disappointing".That decided it. I stood in front of my instructor

" Me, I'll take on your challenge"
The instructor looked at me surprised. He was definitely not expecting a challenge after his earlier display. And Definitely not a woman.  But I have a mission. To preserve the dignity of my class.
We begin.
I lost. Terribly in fact. But in my defence I lasted longer than all of them combined. Unfortunately my injuries are also greater than all of them too.
But hey, I deserve credit and Looks like I'm getting it too.

My fellow trainees are looking at me with respect
This kind of makes my foolish actions worth it.
Plus I'm excused from training.
I don't know if this is a bonus or not but I can assess my fellow competition. Oh and definitely him in particular.

He's stunning by the way. His strike is smooth and he moves so fluidly like he is dancing.

"Take 15 all of you, not a second more. I'll be watching.
"Yes sir!!"

That brings me out of my trance. I slowly get to my feet. My bruises are killing me. I slowly make my way towards him. He looks at me.

"What is it"

"Can I sit with you at least for a little while"
Surprised by my request he asked why
" ummmm, Well, beside you I feel like I can breathe. Most times I feel nothing but beside you I feel more like a human. Most of the time I feel like a doll on a mission. So please?"

He didn't say anything. Just closed his eyes and laid back against a tree. So was that a yes or a no?
I take a few steps to the side of him and sit down. I don't want to overstep my boundaries.
Especially after yesterday.

I spend the next few min staring at my toes. It was awkward but oddly peaceful. I look up to find him looking at me.
" Could you tell me your name."
He smiled a breathtaking smile and asked

"What did you call me in you head all this time then"
I couldn't help it it. I blushed
"The handsome man from the entrance ceremony"
He chuckled. Music to my ears.

"Callum and yes we can be friends."
"We can?" I guess I looked as shocked as I felt.
"I just thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me after what you said last time"
" I mulled over it last night. If you really did forget your memories then I have a chance to change you, even if it's just a little. And also you looked like you needed me I guess."

He gave me an awkward pained smile.

At the moment I'm really cursing my past self, how could she. Just how could she hurt such a wonderful person as him.

In that moment I mentally promise myself. I don't know how much I hurt him in the past but I will make it up to him now.

I won't expect anything in return. It's the least I can do to atone for my past self.

Reminisce and Strengthen, My ButterflyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat