Newfound // ep 7

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My back was starting to hurt so I shuffled myself to the wall leaning my back against it.

"Y-your not?" Naya said looking up with leftover tears in her eyes. "What? No? It's that what they told you? Ugh! That's such an awful stereotype! We don't eat humans!! Heck, I barely eat meat at all!"

Naya whispered something to Steven so I couldn't hear her but Steven replied in a regular tone, "no, I honestly think it's true, wouldn't have he done it by now if it weren't? I was literally in his hand like three times.."

"But he's a- a.. well. I was also in his hand." She replied.

"Why would they want you to 'monitor' me though? You could have just asked I wouldn't have minded, it's so dangerous in my house for you two.. how could they just send you alone with two weapons.. how did you even get here??" I said, my words flowing out directly from my thoughts.

The humans called me a beast. Are they that scared of me? Steven knew what I was so they all must know. Have they even seen giants before me?

"After we talked with you in the stadium we tried to find a way to track you without hurting you, BUT THESE FUCKERS THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SEND TWO LIVING PEOPLE TO LOOK AFTER A GIANT. So they took us, involuntarily I must say, INTO YOUR BAG." Steven said, he seemed pissed.

"Calm down. It's our job." Naya countered. Steven shifted his eyes from me to Naya in a second with the most offended look on his face.

"Uh." I said confusingly, so they are not friends but coworkers and they don't seem to have the same views.

"Well I still believe we should have slayed it." Naya said quietly. What? Me? Slayed me? "Excuse me?" I said. She looked up at me almost surprised I heard her.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a giant? Yes, I may be huge and I'm not in any danger but do you know how.. lonely it gets? You want to slay me? Humans killing giants for no reason isn't rare, my dad was 'slayed' by a whole village that was on fire and he just wanted to help! So for once in my lonely life I wanted to make friends and I get human spies in my house!"

I broke down.

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