#2 - Quiz

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Seokjin managed to navigate his way to the office lounge with the help of his friend on the phone. The door was open before he could push in, and there he was welcomed with a tight hug from the other person. Definitely a different kind of greeting this time round.

Jin: Joonie- You're suffocating me.

NJ: Jinnie... Seokjinnie... Kim Seokjin... 

Jin: Something's coming. What is it?

NJ: I'm just glad you're here a week earlier. You're like a godsend.

Jin: Okay. I've look around the campus. Now I'm heading back-

NJ: No! No! No! You've gotta help me.

Jin: I knew it. Do I get something out of it?

NJ: I'll treat you to a fancy dinner. 

Jin: Boring.

NJ: Oh yes. You're a rich kid. Let me see, a blind date?

Jin: Sounds good. What I need to do?

NJ: You just need to attend to this class and handout the quiz paper. Invigilate for an hour, then collect the paper and you're done for the day!

Jin: Who am I covering for?

NJ: Prof Lee. Okay fine. It's me, I'm the teaching assistant for that class. Please help me? I need to pick up Jiminie at airport.

Jin: Pfft. You didn't even pick me up from airport!

NJ: Didn't you say your mom's besties fetch you?

Jin: Fine. Go pick up your sweet boyfriend then. Where's the quiz paper?

NJ: Here. You're left with five minutes, else you're late for class.

Jin: Do I look like I care?

NJ: Yes. I know you do. I've send you the map, you can just follow the arrow I've indicated.

Jin: Yeah... yeah... By the way... Is today like quiz day for all?

NJ: How would I know? But then isn't it normal to have quiz every now and then in uni? Why do you ask?

Jin: Ah... nothing just curious. Anyway what are the odds right? Bye! Send my regards to Jiminie~

NJ: Huh? What are the odds of what?

*buzz buzz*

NJ: Hey~ Sweetie I'm on the way~ 

Meanwhile in one of the seminar room in the engineering block, there's chit chattering amongst student as the clock shown as 10.05am and yet, there's no one that comes in to their room. Some even checked their calendar email to double check if there is any cancellation. Unlike the rest, Jungkook didn't even bother for he was still irritated by his morning interactions with his neighbour.

Tae: I've got a good feeling. That today's quiz will be cancelled! Yah! JK? Are you hearing me out?

JK: Huh? Yeah. If I know it's going to be cancelled I wouldn't have taken that car. Ugh!

Tae: Wow! You took a cab today? How much did you spend on?

JK: My pride. My sanity.

Tae: You're crazy.

Before Jungkook could reply, the door was opened and there were lots of murmurs around. 

Tae: Wow.

???: Sorry everyone for my tardiness. I'm teaching assistant Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin and I'm relieving for Namjoon today...

Jungkook looks up once he heard the name. The anger just fumes seeing Seokjin standing in front with the rosy cheeks and giggling softly after making his introduction to the class. Like is he out to get him today?

Tae: Here. Take my pen and don't break it. And chill with that look on Jin. Like you're going to pounce on him or something. I mean I know he's kinda-

JK: I'm not- 

Jin: Here's your quiz paper. No more talking after this, else both of you will be penalised.

JK: What-

Jin: Do I make myself clear?

JK: Pfft.

Seokjin walks along the aisle and once he had given out all the quiz paper to the students, he stood in front and gave the nod for them to start. Naturally, everyone starts on the quiz except for one glaring student. When Seokjin stares back at him, only then he turned the page.

Jungkook who is always so chill and laid back in class, acted a little bit differently. Everything he does today was just noise. He wrote his answer aggressively and punctuated all the dots by tapping the pen harder, making sounds here and there. Thankfully the quiz was kinda difficult, so the others didn't take notice of this.

Seokjin, on the other hand, just smirked off seeing the angsty heterosexual neighbour. When he walks down the aisle for the usual invigilating routine, he purposely makes a dismissive remarks upon reaching Jungkook's desk. His voice low enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jin: Heh. Kids.

Jungkook hearing that for once couldn't do anything but just glare at Seokjin who is happily skipping his way back to the front.

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