#3 - Date

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Jungkook was leisurely munching his sandwich alongside Taehyung after they're done with the quiz. It was a short break, till they had to leave for another module at 2pm. Everything was perfect and calm till Seokjin appeared in their canteen with his pastel pink cardigan attracting attention from everyone. Jungkook rolls his eyes and angrily fisting and munching his sandwich creating an absolute mess. Again, it's Seokjin's fault.

Taehyung couldn't figure out what's wrong with his buddy. Thankfully his phone call saved him from Jungkook's fiery for he picks up the call and happily chats over the phone.

Tae: Hey cousin! What's up!

Jungkook still couldn't comprehend why is Seokjin putting more makeup than before. His cheeks are getting rosier now. Is he here to flirt or to teach or to study? Come to think of it, what is this Seokjin's identity. Why is he so friendly to his mother? Then again, he recall his mother did mention about their neighbour but he didn't pay any attention towards it. He sighed again, looking at Seokjin. Lamented in his mind, why can't Seokjin be a girl. She would be pretty. Shit. What the heck?

Tae: Huh? I'm already attached though. Oh! Wait! Cuz! I've got a friend here who is single.

Jungkook gave a side eye to Taehyung. He sensed something not right. So he focused his eyes on Taehyung instead. Good enough to avert his nonsensical thoughts.

Tae: Cuz. I can vouched he is the best of the best. Trust me. Hold on.

Taehyung puts away his mobile phone, and asked if Jungkook is free for the evening. Jungkook wanted to decline initially, but then he remembered his mother requesting him to invite Seokjin for dinner after school which he is not very keen. So even though he had bad gut feeling about Taehyung, it would still be better than being stuck with Seokjin for the night. So he nodded which Taehyung was grateful for.

Tae: Let me know the place and time. I'll let my best man know about it. See ya this weekend cuz! I look forward to my souvenirs!

Once Taehyung hung up the phone, he looks at Jungkook with a wide grin.

Tae: I scored you a date!

JK: What's her name?

Tae: I didn't ask. But don't worry, my cousin's taste is like chef's kiss. He is always surrounded by beautiful people. I mean he works as a model. So count your blessing JK.

JK: Wait. Am I expected to pay? Cause I'm broke from buying all the anime merchandise yesterday.

Tae: Don't worry. My cousin said you just need to come. All expenses will be paid for. Oh wait he just forwarded me the address and apparently you just need to show this QR reservation upon arrival. Let me forward to you.

JK: Tae. You're not going to sell me off right? This is a freaking expensive place.

Tae: Woah fancy. Should I break-up with Sohee? I mean, this is wow. I'm intrigued.

JK: Technically you can break up with her. I've been telling you she's been weird recently. Then again you're also weird. Maybe you suit each other.

Tae: Partly why she's my longest relationship to date. Anyway enough about me. You, you better thank me if your date ended up being super rich, famous and pretty. 

JK: Heck that. I'm going to splurge on nice meals!

Tae: Yeah. You do you.

JK: Wait is there a limit to how much I can spend on food? What if the person ask me to pay?

Tae: Trust me.

JK: I don't have reasons to trust you.

Tae: True. Trust my cousin. He is an expert on all this. I'm so jealous!

The thought of having good and luxurious food managed to trample all his thoughts about Seokjin earlier on. Jungkook with his renewed good spirit, went to his next class with ease and messaged his mother for he is not having dinner at home tonight.

JK Mom: Kids these days, they always have plans. It's just you and me tonight, dear.

JK Dad: They both texted you?

JK Mom: Yes. Both JK and Jinnie having dinner with a friend. Tsk.

JK Dad: Stop pouting, Jennie. I know what you're trying to do. You and Jisoo's pact of wanting your kids to be together. I think it's best not to meddle with their future. Also we're not sure if they're comfortable being partner of same gender.

JK Mom: I know Jinnie is, but our son... I don't know. I mean recently he bought his anime merch and they are all male characters. I was searching for female figurines, though, there's none.

JK Dad: Well, that is not a good indicator. Maybe he just has enough money to only buy those characters? You do know right, he needs to save up his own allowance for his merch? I'm not paying for those.

JK Mom: I get it. Now I feel guilty wondering our son's identity. Okay I swear I will stop meddling about them.

JK Dad: Good if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

JK Mom: Let me at least pray for it?

That evening, Jungkook appeared in the said restaurant with his heart beat fast. Honestly, this is the first time he entered such fanciful restaurant and he kinda out of place when he sees the people around him all well dressed. He looks at his outfit and all he recall was Seokjin's comment about him being a grim reaper.

JK: Tch. I'm not going to let him ruin my night. Keep calm and let's do this. 

Jungkook took a leap of faith and approached the counter staff showing his reservation code on his mobile. The staff upon checking in, smiled at Jungkook and asked him to follow him for he will bring Jungkook to his reserved table.

Jungkook was excited as he walked past several tables and seeing the plated dishes just makes his stomach rumbles. His rumbling stomach however took a sudden turns to anxiety when he was being led to a narrowed hallway. Then the staff stopped in one of the private room, and when he is about to open, Jungkook starts to panic and he is seriously worried if this is some illegal escort and he doesn't want to be part of it. Screw Taehyung and his cousin, who he didn't even ask his name!

JK: Sorry. I think I need to go. Thanks.

Before the staff could even respond, Jungkook had made his abrupt turn and he accidentally bumped into a person. He didn't even look up cause he was panicking, thinking what if he smeared the person's clothes. How much he needs to compensate. Shit. Why is he so broke! 

Jin: Jungkook? What are you doing here?

Jungkook paused. That voice.

Staff: Kim Seokjin-shi, your guest is here.

Jin: Oh great. Jungkook, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a safe trip home. Hi, is he already in?

Seokjin tapped on Jungkook's shoulder as farewell, and he then carefully tip toe to peep into the room. But the room was empty. He turns to look around, and there he sees the smug expression of Jungkook.

Jin: Hell no. You're my date?

Jungkook bowed in gratitude towards the staff and confidently went into the private room. 

JK: Ah... I'm hungry~

Seokjin's turn to fume in anger. The audacity for this kid to just enter the room and what the heck is he ordering? A buffet? He should've pick a fancy treat from those two instead of a blind date. Then again seeing this kid's smile as he continues ordering his buffet, he wondered why is this kid who is anti-gay is accepting a blind date with a gay guy? 

Staff: Seokjin-shi, would you like to place your order?

Jin: I think we ordered enough for a community party. Right, honeybee?

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