#28 - Grounded

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Seokjin together with Jimin were standing in front of the ice cream truck looking through the menu. Jimin had already made his choice and collected his vanilla ice cream cone. It's Seokjin's turn, so he tried to order his go to ice cream, chocolate. The lady informed him they ran out of chocolate flavoured ice cream but they do have chocolate chip ice cream instead. Seokjin agreed and shortly after he was given the ice cream. 

The two walks down the park, happily licking their ice cream. For Seokjin, he had to bite the little bits of chocolate chips which he doesn't mind. While he was enjoying his dessert, a cyclist from behind lost his balance and accidentally hit Seokjin. The impact was too strong, that Seokjin falls back and lost the grip of his ice cream.

Seokjin falls hard. He tried to adjust but his back was severely in pain that he couldn't even move. So he called Jimin for help...

Jin: Ji- Mmmm!!! Mmm!!!

Seokjin struggled hard to get up then suddenly he was being attacked by an unknown masked man. His mouth was fully covered and his first survival instinct told him to kick the person's nut.

- - -

The sound of footsteps is getting nearer and it's only a matter of time. He had no choice but to hover around Seokjin, covered his mouth then body pressed down. Seokjin was struggling but he had no choice, this was the only way he could think of.

JK Mom: Kookie! It's already 1pm! What time did you get home yesterday? What are you doing?

JK: Ou- OMMA!!! I'm already up and just stretching my back here.

Jungkook had to endure pleasure and pain in the span of few minutes. He just hoped Seokjin would be awake so he would not retaliate much. 

JK Mom: Me and Appa going out for wedding ceremony. We're going to have a talk about your curfew again later when we're back.

JK: Omma... I was out with Yoongi hyung yesterday... If you don't believe me you can ask Hobi-hyung too... You know Hobi hyung won't lie right...

JK Mom: Hmmm... for sneaking out the house and treating this like hotel, you better make sure the house is clean when we're back. Understand?

JK: Okayyy... okay...

Jungkook looks down and released his hand after he ensured the door closed. 

- - -

Seokjin bites his bottom lips and blinks hard, trying to figure out what happened and why would Jungkook bring him in his room instead of his. He looks at their outfit. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes, whereas Jungkook wearing a white shirt and shorts. Wait why there's a wet patch on his left side of his clothes. His nipple has milk discharge? The thought of it was too funny he was controlling his reaction.

JK: You dare to laugh?

But clearly someone not happy.

Jin: Why am I here?

JK: You don't remember anything?

Jin: Hmm... We went out to the club, drink a few shots and I don't know maybe quietly sleep? 

JK: A few shots? Quietly sleep? Wow. Who are you?

Jin: Anyway, can you get off me? I want to go back home and wash up. 

JK: No! No! You ain't going anywhere. I don't care if you're my boss, you're definitely staying here to clean up my house. I believe you heard my mom.

Jin: I heard Aunty loud and clear. She specifically instructed you to clean up the house cause you sneak out and break the curfew. That's your punishment, not mine.

Flowery - JinkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora