#31 - Escape

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Jungkook winced in pain after being kicked in the shin by his best friend for no reason. He didn't bother to ask what's wrong with Taehyung, instead he let it go and went back to what he was doing. Except the deeds were already gone. 

Tae: Stalker.

JK: What's wrong with you?

Tae: You made me walk all the way to this side of unknown campus and you didn't even do anything.

JK: Precisely. We're simply exploring our big campus. See, this tobbokki tastes great. 

Tae: They're of the same food chain stall as our campus.

JK: We wouldn't have known.

Tae: Can't you just make my long adventure walk worthwhile?

JK: What? You want me to show you how I eat this tobbokki deliciously?

Tae: No. I want you to go over to Jin-hyung and tell him you like him.

JK: You're delusional. I think you spend too much time with your cousin.

Tae: Why are we here again?

JK: Jin- Tobbokki. For this tobbokki. Aish. Stop giving me that look.

Tae: JK. No matter what you do. I won't judge you. Just saying.

JK: Fine. I'm attracted to him. Like only him. At first I thought I was gay, but when I looked at other guys, I didn't feel anything. 

Tae: Then go tell him instead of being a creep and stalking him all day.

JK: And say what? Jinnie, I'm attracted to you?

???: That's precisely what you should do!

- - -

Namjoon scrunched up his face just looking at how restlessness his friend is right now. Seokjin has been quite jumpy recently and more often than not, he would just breakaway and brisk walk to wherever his foot takes him to. 

NJ: Slow down will you?

Jin: Where's Jiminie?

NJ: He's going to just sit there. But he asked me to follow you and to convey this message.

Jin: He can just message me though.

NJ: You know how dramatic my boyfriend can be? He made me his messenger. That's how dramatic he is.

Jin: Of course. Regretfully I rejected the idea of hearing Jiminie's message.

NJ: No you can't! I simply walk half a mile to tell you this!

Jin: You can tell Jiminie-

NJ: No No No. I'm not going to be your messenger too. I'm going to say it now. 

Jin: Go on... I'm waiting...

NJ: *Ahem* Stop freaking out our deary gay boy! People would think you're actually straight at the way you're panicking and running away!

Jin: I am not running away! Who say I'm running away!

NJ: Hey! Don't shout at the messenger!

- - -

Jungkook gobbled down his tobbokki ignoring the irritating reunion of the two cousins. 

Jimin: Slow down, lover boy~ 

Jungkook continued to ignore and even poke three tobbokki in one eating.

Jimin: Jinnie ever told me he likes the feeling of being choked~

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