May 11, 2024 - I have a bed space la la la

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8:56 pm - I sweated tons today. I finally have my own bed. I'm exited. But it seems I'm not well liked. Haha. I have been misunderstood. Ate myrna, the woman staying bellow the double deck bed I am to occupy said that accordingly I rejected the bed. I don't. I really wanted one. That bed was long unoccupied and anty langsa said it's for me. I am confused. I wanna confront them but I have a feeling it will turn bad so I should let it be. I really don't want to let it be. I want to straighten things up. <Sigh> anyway, I don't plan to stay here for long. 2 years tops. I really hope my employer will let me go this year. Nah, that's not good. Next year maybe. I like the job. Its not taxing. But I crave for more. I don't feel comfortable receiving a high salary when I don't do much. Amoy will be a 4rth year this year. If I'm not mistaken that's a graduate class. Although I'm not sure if Amoy is a junior or senior high. Salo is going to be 5th grade this year. If they have the 12 years schooling then salo will graduate at 6th grade. I won't be there. Maybe.

Ah, talk about financial matter. Aigoo. Aigoo. I overspent. Like totally went crazy shopping. 2 of which are a dud. The sports bra worth 10mop each are a size or two smaller. It fits but it totally crash my boobs. I know. These two huge fat melons need to be reduced. If only I can. Ever since I had them I had issues with my brassier. The cup won't fit with the size available. I did try to mend the strap but it hurts. Turns out I am US 34D sports bra. For normal I am 36C but here in China C cup won't fit me. It only reach up to my nipple & jumps out when I move excessively. Even D is a bit - it barely covers an inch or two up my nipples. D & E however doesn't have my bust size 36. (Damn, I'm itchy. I didn't take a shower cause when I came, the CR is occupied. It took quite a while so I wipe myself clean instead. The floor has quite a lot of dust. And anty keep scolding me for not cleaning my room. I never got itchy during work days. That's cause make sure my room is dust free. I'm quite sensitive to dust after all)

Anyways, I can finally jog during my day offs. (Oh damn, I have a pimple on my face. Why are they coming out one by one lately. The other two barely heal. One even left a mark on my face. 😤) I am happy and distressed. Happy cause I am getting a grip on my life but distressed cause I super lack money. It's not enough to cover my wants or other needs. Aigoo. I plan to save up but it always go poof. Back then I spent money on my brothers but now I barely have enough. Especially since I plan to buy insurance plans for my retirement. I want investment plans actually but it's hard to find them. This is getting on my nerves. SSS pension is not until I turn 60 which is 30 years more. Darn. That's a lot. I may not even reach that age. I really hope I will still be movable by then. I am only 30 but I can already feel my body aches. This is the worst.

Oh my feet are sore. But I love this feeling. I feel refreshed. I do prefer having a shower  and soak my feet but this will do. This feeling of exhaustion is the best. However, I still have lots of things to do next Saturday. But that give me a reason to roam.  I will be going to find the lapsapan area which is ukay ukay. Ate Emily said she will take me there but she never did and I am shy to ask. Forget it. I would explore myself. I find traces of it so I just need to follow up next Saturday after jogging. Hehe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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