Chapter 77- Regrets

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Alastors POV:

The kitchen was filled with ashy smoke and I pushed y/n out the way and threw the burnt food out of the window to stop the flames, my hands were reddened by the heat.

"HEY! I just made that for us!"

"Y/n...I don't think it's edible." I narrowed my eyes, trying to hide a smirk. "Firstly, are you hurt?" I asked, opening the window further to let the fumes flow out.

"No, I'm fine."

"Secondly, what were you thinking?! I told you NOT to bake anything, yet you still did." I raised my voice at her.

"I just wanted to prove that I could cook, I just got distracted...I was doing a nice thing." She stuttered and it made me feel a bit bad for yelling at her.

I huffed and embraced her, she seemed really disappointed with herself. "Just please be careful when I'm not here. I cant let my wife die already haha!"

"Alastor, we are not married yet." She giggled.

"I know, it just sounds right!" I sighed and wore a genuine smile. I place a kiss on her forehead and her face turned a light shade of red.

I love you chère

"What's the plan about that anyways?" She asked, excitedly.


"I'm not a fan of large weddings, plus we don't have anyone to invite..."

"What do you mean?" She tilted her head up at me.

"...Everyone has forgotten us, remember?"

"Oh...yeah" Her expression changed to be more forlorn and regretful.

I did feel regret too, I lost my friend Mimzy. I don't think I could see her again, I don't want to look into a face that doesn't remember me, like I remember her. All those happy memories are now gone, she doesn't have a clue who I am and it makes me feel hurt and my chest feels tight at the thought of talking to her.

"What if we have a wedding here? We could invite your parents? Just the four of us?" I softly said, knowing it was a sensitive topic.

"Mmm" She mumbled.

"Mmm isn't an answer y/n." I smiled down at her.

"Okay but if they are assholes, which is a very high chance I'm kicking them out of here." She rolled her eyes.

I chuckled "Of course, mon amour~"

~time skip to late afternoon~

I was kneeling down, tending to the living room fireplace while y/n was upstairs taking a bath. A few minutes went by and I heard her quiet footsteps descending down the stairs.

"I am so proud of you for getting the job!" She was behind me and gave me a soft, gentle kiss on the side of my neck.

"Thank you, but there is this one man who STILL works there and he gets on my nerves so much." I sighed, still annoyed that I have to put up with Tommy, I mean Mr Greyson. That disgusting, vile man.

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