the first letter

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The first letter I wrote to Alex was supposed to be a confession letter. I never sent it.



As I write to you this letter, I question if I'll ever have the guts to send it to you. I ponder on whether how I feel for you is real or just a mere crush. Yet again, I wonder if you would ever be able to reciprocate how I feel. But I'm writing anyway. If this reaches you or not, at least my feelings are forever concealed within this sea of words, this one page.

As I've mentioned, I'm still conflicted with what I feel. If I'm being completely honest, we don'r exactly know each other well. We've had about three random conversations and yet, somehow I know that you enjoy running. You aren't much of a romance reader because fantasy and thrillers intrigue you more. You study hard and as much as it makes you feel lonely, you embrace loneliness like a best friend. You have a nice smile, especially when you show off your teeth and your eyes form crescent moons. You occupy my mind before I go to sleep too.

It's silly and ridiculous to me how I can feel this way about someone I've never met. You might think that I've written a thousand love letters in my life when in reality, there is only one. I tend to love quietly but this time, I want you to know that there is someone out there who admires you. She may not ever be able to tell you that in person but she's willing to try.

Hence, if you'd like, may I get to know you? Through letters, that is. I don't think I can reveal who I am until... one day, I might. But let us exchange letters first. If you're not interested, then I shall stop. I will unfollow you and remove you from my life and I will move on. I won't regret this because for once in my life, I've tried. We can forget that this ever happened.

I will wait for your reply and if you don't, then I wish you the best in all your endeavours. Thank you.


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