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»»-----¤-----««Bethany's Pov»»-----¤-----««



Estelle stares me down like she's playing "find the differences." I fidget in my seat with an unfazed expression. Her gaze is so intimidating that it could turn me into stone. To be fair, I'm more terrified of her than Mallory at this point.

"I don't know what you want me to say." My hands brush over my knees while my eyes meet hers.

"What is your intention with Lea?" our eyes meet, her gaze cuts through me like a razor-sharp blade. It penetrates deep into my core, causing me to inhale sharply, feeling its impact resonate in my chest.

"Intention?," I utter. "What makes you think I have a hidden agenda with her?"

"Because you and Mallory always do." Estelle grits through her teeth.

Wow, no hesitation huh?

"I see." I sigh, pushing myself up from the couch. "Look, I have no hidden agenda or bad intentions with Lea."

Estelle's gaze is fixed on me, urging me to carry on.

"The sole reason we met is due to me going to the Pink Rose to pass some time while Mallory was having a meeting in Neon Mortis." I explain taking off my black shades. "Eventually, Lea had issues with her ex, I simply provided her some support that's it."

"Mhm, sure." Estelle lets out an exasperated sigh, clearly unconvinced by my explanation.

Oh come on, don't make this harder than it is.

"Is that all you needed? Because honestly, this conversation is pissing me off." I snap, frustration bubbling to the surface. 

"I'm not buying it." Estelle persists. After a solid minute of back and forth I let out a groan of frustration.

Fuck, you're hardheaded! 

"You know what? Fine! I'll spell it out for you. I like Lea, okay? She's a nice person, she's fun to be around, and there's a genuine connection there that I don't want to ruin by involving work. And that's it. I'm not trying to steal her away from you or anything else that's going through your head. I just genuinely like her as a person."

Estelle appears to be considering my words. She raises an eyebrow, and I can see the seeds of doubt beginning to form in her eyes.

"Okay," she finally concedes. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time. But remember, I'm watching you. If I find out you hurt her in any way shape or form.."

"Noted." holding my hands up in surrender I sigh and sit back down on Mallory's couch.

"Let's get something straight here, Estelle." I clarify, my voice steady. "Lea is my..." I think for a moment before I hesitantly continue. "..Friend and someone who I genuinely enjoy spending time with. So if you're worried about me hurting her, you're barking up the wrong tree."

"I don't want to ruin your friendship with her, I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything I can to support her as a human being." I say with a tone full of intensity.

"You're right." Estelle admits. "But we are talking about Lea and you two have a connection I haven't seen in a long time."

"It's just a friendship," I explain with a smile. "And we'll just have to trust each other on this one."

"Friendship, my ass." Estelle's frown etches deeper as she looks at me. Her eyes hold a mix of curiosity and suspicion, but I can see her resolve loosen up. She sighs.

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