Chapter 13

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The two cats walked for a while until it was noon, and they were both exhausted. "Hey, do you wanna stop and find something to eat?" Moon asked Talons as he flopped down on the ground under a tree.

"Ok, yeah. I guess that'd be good." Talons agreed before she walked over to a small stream that cut through the woods. *There's gotta be some prey around here.* She thought as she swished her long tail before she went still as she saw movement out of the corner of her eyes. Bird. She thought before turning around quickly and jumping up high. She felt her claws dig into the wing of the pigeon and from there she bounced off of the tree and landed on the ground on top of the bird's neck, and she killed it quickly. She then got up and went to find where she and Moon had previously been sitting. "Moon, I'm back." She said putting down the piece of prey.

"Talons? Is that you? I need help, save me." Said a voice faintly in the distance. The brown cat quickly ran in the direction after she recognized the voice as Misty's, her ears tilted back slightly as her heart sped up a bit.

"Misty?" She asked as she continued running. "Are you there?" She asked uncertainty, running quickly on the tips of her paws as she quickly looked from the left to the right quickly.

Another voice sounded from behind her, "Talons! I need you to help me! Help me!" It mewed loudly.

"But- But- I can't save both of you at once!" She meowed quietly before looking from one direction to the next and then running back to the direction of Misty's voice.

"Going somewhere are you?" Said a silky smooth voice in her ear. She turned around to see a brown tabby with amber eyes and a scar on his nose. "Boo." He said before unsheathing his claws.

Talons gasped before meowing as loudly as she could, "Go away Lightning! Someone help me please!"

No one came as the molly rolled around with the larger, more muscular tom. She felt claws graze her nose and as the tom cat was looming over her ready to bite her neck she blacked out and her vision faded completely and just before she went unconscious she saw the large brown tom fade into the color of silver, and she also saw him shrink, and he looked a lot like Moon.

"Talons? Taaalllonsss." A voice hissed into her ear. The molly opened her eyes and saw the outline of a bright silver cat against the now dark sky. "Come on, we have to go, we have to go."

The cat woke up and looked at the sky. "Where are Misty and Cloudy? Did Lightning go away?" She asked, suddenly standing up, her fur prickling.

"You were hallucinating I think... I don't know why, but you were. We have to go now though, Lightning and his cats are searching the area and I had to drag you away so we didn't get found but it's a matter of time. Follow me." The silver cat whispered before nudging Talons to her paws and then running South.

"O-Ok." She mumbled before stretching and quickly following him.

"Hey! I see cats on the run! Follow me! Follow me!" A cat exclaimed from now behind the two of them before running off after Talons and Moon.

A few more cats ran after them hissing and spitting. "Lightning's gonna be pleased with us for this! Maybe we'll even get fifth pickings on prey!" One of the cats exclaimed with a snarl. "Slow down!"

"Speed up! We can't let them get to us! If they catch us we'll be fish bait!" Moon yowled before running even faster.

"Noted!" Talons meowed quickly before taking a deep breath and completely using all of her energy to fly across the ground like a cheetah. "Where do we go?" She asked.

"Once we get into the trees we can lose them. We'll go straight and then we can split up and climb one of the trees. After they go we'll find each other again, but it's important for us to both survive first." He explained before suddenly a squeak came from behind them.

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